YOGYAKARTA The Koran is a holy book of Muslims. Therefore, it is important for Muslims to pay attention to the administrators of reading the Koran.
The Prophet SAW through his speech stated that every letter in the Qur'an that was read would be rewarded with one kindness, and every kindness would be folded to ten. narrated by Abdullah Ibnu Mas'ud, Prophet Mu Wayad SAW said:
You can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't.
Meaning: The word Abdullah ibn Masud, Rasulullah salalahu alaihi wasallam said, Anyone who reads one letter from the Book of Allah (the Qur'an), then he will get one goodness. While one kindness is multiplied to ten, for example. I did not say 'alif lm mm one letter.' However, 'alif one letter, lm one letter, and mm one letter,' (HR. At-Tirmidzi).
In the Kitabul-Adab work by Fuad bin Abdul Aziz As-Syalhub mentioned a number of customs or manners that need to be considered when reading the Koran, including:
A Muslim should be clean first when he wants to read the Koran. This is because the Koran is a holy book that contains the times of Allah SWT.
In addition, if a Muslim will touch the Al-Quran prayer room, he should also be hol. This is stated in the letter Al-Waqi'ah verse 79 which reads:
Why don't you think about it? Let's take care of it, let's take care of it, let's take care of it, let's take care of it.
Latin Arabia: Laa yamassuhuuu illal mutaharuun
Meaning: nothing touches it other than sacred servants.
Adab reads the second Al-Quran is cleaning the mouth until it is fragrant and clean. This can be done with a crew or anything that makes the mouth clean again fragrant.
Before reading the Koran, a Muslim should read the isti'adzah, then proceed by reading the basmalalah Bismillahirrahmaanim.
Please note, Isti'adzah, which is also known as taawudz, is a prayer asking for protection from Allah SWT from the crimes of the jinn, human, and whispering groups that hide in the human chest.
The reading of the isti'adzah is as follows:
Let's take care of it. Let's take care of it, let's take care of it.
Latin Arabia: A'udzu billahi minas shaithaanir rajiim
Meaning: "I take refuge in Allah from the devil who is cursed."
Muslims are encouraged to read the Qur'an with fire, namely reading slowly, being fluent, and paying attention to the meaning and meaning of the verses that are read. Tartil also means reading the Qur'an with clear and correct tajwid and makhraj.
Complaining about the voice when reading the Qur'an, including the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. As Al-Bara said, I heard the Prophet SAW read Wattini Wazzaituun during the Isha prayer, and I didn't hear anyone with a beautiful voice or read other than him. (HR Bukhari [769]).
Stop reading when sleepy also includes the adab of reading the Qur'an. This is to maintain practicality and concentration in reading Al-Qu'ran.
narrated by Abu Hurairah, Prophet SAW said: If one of you performs night prayers, then his tongue is stiff to read the Qur'an - because he is sleepy - and does not know what he is reading, then speak. (HR Muslim [787]).
Imam Nawawi said in the book Al-Adzkar, 'So the first time that was ordered to a reader of the Qur'an was Sincere when he read it. And only hope for a reward from Allah SWT. There is no other motivation in his reading besides that.'
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