JAKARTA - Nafa Urbach is now back to being active in the world of cinema. However, no longer appearing in front of the camera, Nafa chose to be a producer in the latest film which will soon be released titled Tabayyun.
Nafa also admitted that he was comfortable as a producer considering the limited time he had as a member of the DPR.
"Honestly, maybe because I'm busy right now, to be honest, I'm more comfortable being a producer," said Nafa Urbach in the Thamrin area, Central Jakarta, Friday, January 31.
"So I divided my duties as a member of the DPR and as a producer of the film it was easier because I was also a single mother, so it was easier," he continued.
However, Nafa Urbach did not rule out returning to acting that had made his name.
"Oh no, it's definitely back in front of the screen, it's impossible, after all, the screen is the entertainment world, I really want to do the world," he said.
Even the mother of one child is often offered to play in the series even though it has to be rejected several times.
"Since yesterday, there have been a lot of offers but webseries, you know, scene-scene webseries is like how I can't take it," said Nafa.
In addition, undergoing a profession as a producer also made him more restrained from playing movies.
"If the film itself I am committed not to play in my own film now why? Because it's just strange, when the producer keeps playing in all the films, I think, don't be like that," he continued.
"So I want to create or make works that I really don't have in it but I'm behind the scenes," he said.
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