YOGYAKARTA When your partner's loyalty wavers, of course one feels that the relationship is critical. It will feel insecure, anxious, afraid, until a self-talk appears or a negative self-image. Whatever the cause of solidarity, complicated feelings must be unraveled. Here are tips to overcome the loyalty of a shaky partner.

It's natural to feel shocked, tired, scared, disappointed, and confused. While it may feel like you're in a rollercoaster, it takes time to deal with the pain. Accept these feelings to be ready to improve your relationship with your partner. But most importantly, forgiveness is the wisest way to keep a grudge and anger.

The pain of being betrayed may not hurt like the wound on the skin. Anger is the first instinct. This encourages a person to vilify, repay your partner, or even punish your partner whose loyalty wavers.

Spreading these feelings can be done, but choose the most healthy, both for your relationships and psychology. It may take a while to calm down. It is also necessary to make an agreement to be open and agree to find a middle way to work together to improve your relationship. Before telling your family or closest people, think about it and convince yourself of the options to be made.

A person may experience some physical reactions due to stress. Such as nausea, diarrhea, sleep problems (too little or too much), shaking, difficulty concentrating, not wanting to eat, or excessive eating. After the initial shock passes, try your best to eat nutrient-intensive foods, maintain your routine, sleep with regular hours, exercise every day, drink lots of water, and try to take good care of yourself.

Declining loyalty is of course wrong. Launching VeryWellMind, but don't blame yourself for being a waste of energy. Try not to play a victim or feel sorry for yourself. Because this will make you feel more helpless and bad.

If you and your partner already have children, don't involve your child. This situation occurs between you and your partner and you shouldn't involve children. Even if you have decided to end the relationship, sharing details about infidelity will only put the children in a position that cannot be maintained. This can cause them to worry, feel trapped in the middle, and forced to side with each other.

If the affair is likely to lead to an end to the relationship, think about practical things. Like a place to live, financial adequacy to meet basic needs, and if you have children, think about the type of custody arrangements you want.

Infidelity is one of the most difficult challenges in a couple relationship. But it's not always the end of the relationship. When overcoming it, live day by day with a look forward so that it looks like the relationship will improve or separate.

In addition to tips on overcoming the couple's ties as described above, it is important to ask for help. Either find good friends or listeners or counseling assistance from professional relationship counselors or psychologists.

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