JAKARTA - A healthy relationship is the foundation for a happy and prosperous life. Love gives many laughter and various benefits. Even so, quarrels are an integral part of every relationship and cannot be avoided.

Therefore, you are obliged to do your best to make your relationship with a healthy and happy partner. Trust, understanding, and loyalty are the three most important things in a relationship. This serves as the foundation of a relationship building so that it must be maintained. In addition, below are other important parameters of a relationship to succeed, according to PinkVilla, Wednesday, October 23.

Loyalty is one of the keys to a happy marriage. Loyalty means being committed to a loved one both physically and mentally. In a bond of love, it is the responsibility of a partner to prove loyalty to one another. You must always have healthy boundaries in a relationship to stay stable. Your commitment to a loved one is the most important thing and you can hurt him if you are not loyal.

What does love without trust mean? Love is like a cake without cherries or flowers without a scent. Trust makes your partner feel safe so that it leads to a deeper relationship. Having trust in your partner means you believe in them, and there is no need to keep an eye on them while thinking about what they might be doing behind you. Loyalty leads to trust, which is why both are important things in a relationship.

One of the mistakes that is often done is getting married because you feel lonely or unhappy. Previously, first, understand that the responsibility to make yourself happy is in your own hands. No one can take responsibility for that. And if you get married because you want to be happy, then sooner or later you will suffer in a relationship.

For that, it is important to love yourself and be happy on your shell while in a relationship. Being emotionally independent is the key to having a happy life with a loved one.

What is the most important thing in a relationship? Healthy communication, of course. People who really love someone feel comfortable communicating openly with their partner. It is very important to voice your feelings, opinions, needs, and hopes for your partner to understand you better.

If there is no communication, misunderstandings can accumulate and damage happiness. No matter how busy you are, make sure to spend quality time with loved ones and communicate with them.

When you love someone, you automatically start caring for them. You will not have the heart to see your partner in pain or feel sad. So, be friendly and care about your partner. Make a cup of drink when your partner is sick, accompany them when they have a bad day at work, and support your partner in joy and sorrow to show your love.

You and your partner are a team, but don't lose individuality when with someone. One of the most important things in a relationship is space. Giving each other space from time to time allows each other to pay attention to their needs and emotions. Plan a solo trip, or dinner with friends to give yourself and your partner a little space.

If someone asks you, 'Are the 5 most important things in a relationship?', don't forget to mention forgiveness because it's an important virtue that everyone has to have. Humans must have done something wrong, and sometimes, your partner may make mistakes that hurt you. If they sincerely apologize and try to do different things from the future, you have to forgive your partner.

Every relationship requires sacrifice and compromise in order to develop. In love, people prioritize their partner's happiness rather than their own happiness so that the relationship works. If you constantly ignore your partner and only consider your needs and preferences, it can cause bitterness in the relationship. Make adjustments occasionally so that your relationship develops. However, compromise must be made by both parties, and only then will love last a long time.

Those are eight things that need to be maintained properly if the marriage relationship is to run smoothly, durable, and harmoniously.

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