JAKARTA - The feud between Noverizky Tri Putra and celebrity Rea Wiradinata is heating up. Rea had denied that her house in Cianjur was confiscated by the curator.

This happened because Rea lost the PKPU trial at the Central Jakarta Commercial Court some time ago. Noverizky also questioned the rebuttal from his opponent.

The reason is that the two curators appointed by the court have installed an asset confiscation sign in the form of Rea's house in Cianjur. The installation of the confiscated signposts is carried out in accordance with the legal basis and has been known and has received an examination from the PKPU Court Supervisory Judge, Yusuf Pranowo SH MH

"Obviously the curator team has installed an announcement of confiscation in accordance with applicable legal regulations. There are also photos and videos of the installation of confiscated announcement banners. How come they are still being denied? Once again, he has made lies and made disturbances to the public," said Noverizky, one of the creditors, through a written statement in Jakarta, Wednesday, October 16.

Nove considers Rea's statement to be contradictory to the progress of the case.

"On the one hand, he said there was no confiscation, on the other hand he reported two curators who had installed the confiscation at his house under the pretext of filing an appeal to the Supreme Court. These are two contradictory things and explanations that seem forced to cover up existing facts," he added.

Meanwhile, Rea is rumored to be filing an appeal to the Supreme Court. Nove responded, it's okay for Rea to file the cassation. However, this did not necessarily stop the working process of the appointed curator regarding the decision of the Central Jakarta PKPU commercial court No. 288/Pdt-sus-PKPU/2023/PN.Niaga.Jkt.Pst

According to him, according to the Bankruptcy Law, if a bankruptcy decision is filed for cassation by both interested debtors or creditors, then the curator is still authorized to carry out his duties to carry out Management and Clearing

This is in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 paragraph (1) of the Bankruptcy Law No. 37/2004, which reads: Kurator has the authority to carry out management duties and/or settlement of bankruptcy assets since the date of the bankruptcy decision was pronounced even though the decision was submitted to Cassation or Review.

Seeing the existing laws, Nove considers Rea's efforts to report the two curators to the police only to cover up the facts, not based on the legal basis.

"He spoke without a legal basis. He just wanted to defend himself but actually embarrassed himself," said Nove.

Feeling that he has a strong legal basis, Nove said that the two curators reported by Rea are considering conducting good reporting to the police.

"So it is impossible for the curator to confiscate without going through legal procedures. In fact, Rea Wiradinata will be criminally entangled if she tries to remove a banner or confiscated board. They (curator) are preparing to make a back report against Rea," he concluded.

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