JAKARTA - 17 years have passed, MVP Pictures is trying to revive their big IP, Hantu Island by presenting a new film of the same name. This effort was also marked by the concept and change of the main plot even though the premises were still in line with the previous film.

Directed by Ferry Pei Irawan, Hantu Island (2024) played by Taskya Namya, Bukie B. Mansyur, Samo Rafael, Cindy Nirmala, Hannah Hanon, Verdi Solaiman, Patty Sandya, Azkya Mahira, Izabel Jahja and so on.

Hantu Island (2024) tells the story of Dara (Taskya Namya) who wants to celebrate her graduation with her friends: Noah (Bukie B. Mansyur), Pandu (Samo Rafael), Niki (Cindy Nirmala), and Lathi (Hannah Hanon) on a ship. Dara's mother (Izabel Jahja) warned Dara not to go to the sea area after watching the news.

Dara paid attention to her mother's warning and chose to run away with Noah. At first, their journey felt good until their ship was stranded until they had to stop. They arrived on a mysterious island and were looking for help.

Dara and Noah went into the forest to seek help, while Pandu, Niki, and Lathi settled on the beach while looking for a signal. Dara and Noah began to get curious after they found an active mobile phone in the forest.

Pandu also saw a child and tried to save the child until he entered the forest. Niki and Lathi also asked for help but they witnessed the unfortunate incident. Dara and Noah began to realize that something was wrong on the island.

Hantu Island (2024) started its story without being long-winded by prioritizing the emotional side over terror, jumpcare in general. A different reboot of its trilogy where this film also displays a drama side compared to vulgar horror like the 2007 film.

The handsome ghost figure shown here is also supported by a complex storyline. The focus of the character may be more on Dara to drive the story.

The film's visuals are also interesting by taking shots from unusual areas to emphasize its visual quality. The scoring feels uncomfortable several times but can be forgiven for its fresh visuals in the eyes. Its production value feels maximal, especially with the set of islands and orphanages that are the background for the story.

At first, this film started the story a little boring with unnecessary scenes, even Dara and Dara's mother's interactions felt short to be the source of the conflict.

Among the actors, Amanda Green's acting as a ghost is very interesting. As a debutant, his acting attracted attention.

The film Pulau Hantu (2024) shows the emotional side of a horror film that has a series of intense actions supported by visuals.

Film Pulau Hantu (2024) tayang di bioskop Indonesia mulai Kamis, 10 Oktober.

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