JAKARTA - Penampilan terbaru penyanyi Katy Perry berhasil mencuri perhatian publik. Cinta Orlando Bloom ini berhasil menurunkan berat hingga 9 kilogram selama beberapa bulan. Wanita berusia 39 tahun ini mengungkapkan menu dietnya.

Through his personal Instagram upload, the 39-year-old singer revealed a trick used to lose up to 9 kilograms of weight. During the diet, he ate staple food for breakfast, one of which was boiled eggs.

"I eat a lot of boiled eggs because it's a good source of protein. But I didn't solve it in this [piring] because it took a long time," said Katy Perry, quoted from the Mirror.co.uk page on Friday, October 4, 2024.

Apparently, Katy Perry tries to imitate his fitness-focused partner Orlando Bloom. The singer of the song "Roar" is starting to turn to the choice of the 'clean' diet or clean eating menu such as chicken, fish, nuts, and seeds.

In January, she also told Women's Health, drinking apple juice vinegar, lots of water, and celery juice was also included in her diet as well as for her health.

"That's the best way to start, which is to drink water. I know it's a clich, but I think a lot of us immediately drink coffee without drinking a glass of water," explained Katy Perry.

Helen Bell, a nutritionist at UK Care Guide, admitted that she found the right food and snacks. Referring to Katy's breakfast choice, she said eating eggs as snacks is actually quite useful for losing weight. Eggs contain a lot of protein, which helps increase the feeling of fullness longer.

"This can reduce overall calorie intake throughout the day. However, it is important to pay attention to the size of the portion and prepare it in a healthy way, such as boiling, to avoid adding fat," said Helen Bell.

Like chickens, fish, nuts, and seeds, eggs can also be called 'clean food'. Recent research from the US-centric Cleveland Clinic found that eating processed meat was one of the main drivers of colorectal cancer at a young age.

"Consuming 'clean food' such as chickens, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, in my experience, is very useful for losing weight," said Helen Bell.

"These foods are usually lower in calories and higher in essential nutrients compared to processed foods. These foods provide fiber, which helps digestion and help maintain a sense of fullness," he continued.

Based on his experience, Helen Bell said there were patients who switched to this diet. By eating this food, they easily manage weight because they consume more calories in nutritional solids. This supports overall health and metabolism.

However, Helen stressed that Katy's diet can provide various results. This mainly includes drinking apple juice vinegar and celery juice as part of his daily routine.

"Epel juice rock has been associated with better digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels, which have the potential to help lose weight," he explained.

In addition, he said that celery juice is low in calories and can be hydrated. However, celery juice does not provide significant nutrients compared to whole vegetables.

"In my experience, the psychological aspect of starting the day with 'detoxed' drinks can sometimes encourage individuals to make healthier choices throughout the day. However, there is no magic drink to lose weight, for me, it is the overall diet and lifestyle that makes the difference." he added.

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