JAKARTA - Comedian Sule tried to respond to his son-in-law, Mahalini Raharja, who had the desire to stop singing and wanted to become a housewife.

As a mother-in-law, Sule admitted that the decision was good for Mahalini to make. Instead, he asked his son, Rizky Febian, to earn a living.

"Maybe if Lini does something like that, it's natural, because she's also a woman. Maybe if I think it's good, it's good that she stopped being a singer. Let Iky earn a living," said Sule, quoted by VOI from Instagram @rumpi_ttv, Tuesday, October 1.

Mahalini said that he did not want to pursue things that were trivial anymore. And for Sule it's important because it doesn't always have to be like that.

"Now, if you stop looking for complacency, then where do they both eat?" said Sule.

"It's just a thing, if it's like we podcasts like fishing, our minds can come out, especially the hosts are good at fishing for them," he explained.

Mahalini's words succeeded in making Sule feel touched because his son-in-law was able to distinguish betweenvariant and spiritual needs.

"There is a positive. But from the language, I am very touched by the words, too pursuing humanity. Yes, it's good that he has gotten rid of spiritual things. It's great, Lini is great," he said.

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