YOGYAKARTA - The foul smell when breathing through the nose is a problem that is quite disturbing, either for the person or the person around him. This situation can affect self-confidence and comfort in social relations. Although it is often misinterpreted as a mouth problem, the foul smell that is smelled when breathing through the nose generally comes from problems in the respiratory tract or sinus. In this post, we will regulate various triggers of foul smell when breathing through the nose and an efficient method of overcoming it.

1. Sinus infection (Sinusitis)

One of the most common triggers for the smell of rot when the breath through the nose is sinusitis or infection in sinus. Sinus is a cavity filled with air located behind the facial bone and nose. When sinus is infected, there will generally be mucus buildup that can be a breeding ground for bacteria. These bacteria cause a foul smell every time you breathe. Other indications that often arise with sinusitis are nasal congestion, pain in the facial zone, and the release of viscous fluid from the nose.

2. Rinitis Allergi

Allergic Rinitis occurs when the nose is excited by an allergen of a kind of dust, powder, or animal hair. This situation can cause excess mucus production that accumulates in the nasal cavity, thus stimulating secondary inflammation that causes an unpleasant odor. Although allergic rhythms themselves generally do not cause a foul smell, secondary infections due to mucus buildup can stimulate unpleasant odors.

3. Foreign Objects in the Nose

In children, foreign objects stuck in the nose are often a trigger for the smell of rot when breathing through the nose. When this foreign object is in the nose for a long time, bacteria can breed around it, cause infection and a foul smell. If this happens, quickly take the child to the doctor to remove the foreign object safely.

4. Nose polyp

The nasal polyp is a soft tissue growth that is not at risk in the nasal or sine cavities. Although the polyp itself does not cause a smell, a large polyp can limit the respiration channel and cause mucus buildup which can be a source of unpleasant odors. Polip can also stimulate infection, which in conclusion causes a foul odor.

5. Head of Gigi and Gusi Infections

Although the smell of rot while breathing through the nose is usually associated with respiratory problems, infection in the teeth or gums can also be the cause. Infections in the roots of the teeth or gums that are severe can cause a foul smell that is felt when breathing through the nose. This problem is often accompanied by pain in the infected teeth or gums.

6. Taccinary

Inflammation in the ambroid can also cause a foul smell when breathing. The infected ambide often accommodates bacteria and dead tissues that produce a foul smell. This situation can also cause sore throat and difficulty swallowing.

How To Overcome Rotten Smell When Breathing Through The Nose

If you experience a foul smell when you breathe through your nose, it is important to find the main trigger so that you can get the right healing. Here are some steps that can be taken to overcome this problem:

I. Consulting with Doctor THT (Telinga, Nose, Sacrificial)

If a foul smell always occurs and is accompanied by other indications such as pain, fever, or nasal congestion, quickly ask the THT doctor. Doctors can carry out more in-depth checks, such as nasal endoscopy, to see if there are infections, polyps, or foreign objects in the nose.

II. Using Dekongestan Drugs and Nose Spray

If the trigger for the foul smell is inflammation of sinuses or allergicrinitis, doctors may precipitate dekongestan to reduce swelling in the nasal cavity. Not only that, nasal sprays that have steroids can help reduce infection and avoid mucus buildup.

III. Clean Your Nose With Salt Larutan

Irrigation of the nose with a sterile salt solution can help clean the accumulated mucus and remove bacteria from the nasal cavity. This is a safe and efficient method to maintain the hygiene of the nose and reduce unpleasant odors.

IV. Dental Care And Mouth

If the foul smell comes from an infection with teeth or gums, go directly to the dentist. Maintain regular oral hygiene, such as brushing teeth and using dental threads, can also help prevent problems in the mouth that can stimulate bad odors.

V. Operations for Polip or Foreign Objects

If the foul smell is caused by a large nasal polyp or a foreign object in the nose, the doctor may recommend surgery procedures to overcome it. This procedure is important to restore the normal function of the nose and eliminate the source of the infection.

In addition, try 7 Foods That Are Effective In Overcoming The Smell Of The Mouth

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