YOGYAKARTA - Diarrhea is a problem that is usually experienced by most Indonesians. Diarrhea can be characterized by an increasing defecation frequency (BAB), as well as a liquid (impurity) process. However, it turns out that liquid defecation is not always a sign of diarrhea. There are several other digestive problems that are also characterized by fluid defecation but not diarrhea.

Before knowing what causes the liquid defecation other than ordinary diarrhea, it is also important to first know the difference between ordinary diarrhea and liquid defecation that you need to be aware of. According to the world health organization (WHO), diarrhea occurs when the frequency of liquid defecation reaches three times or more in a day, or the frequency of defecation is more frequent than usual.

However, the frequency of defecation is more than three times, but the phases are still solid, it cannot be said to be a symptom of diarrhea. Thefees of breastfeeding babies that tend to be soft also do not include diarrhea attacks.

The causes of diarrhea themselves are bacterial infections, viruses, and parasitic organisms in our digestive system. The spread can be through water contaminated with fecess, or foods with less hygiene. Bacteria that generally cause diarrhea include Escherichia coli, Campylobacter, Salmonella, and Shigella.

Meanwhile, the condition of the liquid defecation is generally followed by other symptoms, such as stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting in certain cases. If you experience these symptoms, you don't necessarily have regular diarrhea.

Apart from being a sign of diarrhea, liquid defecation is also a symptom or a result of the conditions below.

Intoleration of lactose is a digestive problem due to the body's inability to digest lactose due to lack of lactage enzymes. The lactage enzyme itself is produced by fine intestine cells called entertainment. A person who has lactose intolerance will remove a liquid defamation when eating foods that have lactose, for example cow's milk and its derivative products.

Hyperthyroidism is a condition when a person has high thyroid hormone levels in the body, so it affects the body's metabolism. Body metabolism is getting faster due to the high thyroid hormone. This condition can affect the digestive system and cause fluid defamation.

Sometimes drugs cause side effects of diarrhea. However, this diarrhea is not an ordinary diarrhea caused by bacteria, but as a side effect of the drugs being consumed. Some types of drugs that trigger diarrhea are an antasides that contain magnesium, or better known as maag drugs. Certain antibiotics, such as antibiotics frombagai, cephalosporin and fluoroquoinolon also trigger side effects of diarrhea. In fact, there are also cancer treatments that cause diarrhea.

High-frequency liquid defecation can also be one of the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS. IBS is a long-term digestive disease that attacks the large intestine muscle work system. Large wages themselves are useful for absorbing water from food residues that cannot be digested by the delicate intestines. It also contracted to remove the remaining food.

IBS sufferers have abnormal colon muscle contractions. There are two possibilities, first of all, muscle contractions are too slow or weak, so IBS sufferers often experience constipation or constipation. Another possibility is that muscle contraction frequency is too frequent and causes diarrhea.

If you experience diarrhea, you should pay more attention to the symptoms, because these conditions can be a sign of diarrhea caused by other health problems. For example, lactose intolerance to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) that attacks the performance of the large intestine muscles.

That's a review of liquid defecation but not diarrhea. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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