YOGYAKARTA - Saving cash while traveling is often a dilemma in itself when one side of cash is very practical for small transactions. So what are the tips for storing cash while traveling to be safe?

To keep your vacation moments exciting, it's important to know how to save cash safely. Check out the following tips.

Reporting from Travelex Insurance, here are five tips and tricks recommended to help keep your cash safe while traveling:

If you separate and store your cash in several locations, it's unlikely that everything will be stolen at once. But if you travel with someone, consider dividing the money between the two of you.

However, if your place of residence is safe, then you should leave some of it there but keep it hidden. If possible, limit your cash and use a credit card if possible.

Second, you can hide cash in several locations, one of which is on your body. Avoid hiding cash in your backpack or bag, because this method is too clear.

If conventionally it will be considered safer to store money in your wallet in the front pocket, this method will no longer apply. Believe it or not, pickpocketing has developed today.

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In addition to your pocket or backpack / bag, there are many options to store your cash in various other parts of the body:

Pay attention to how you handle cash in public. When you spend money to pay for something, spend it in small amounts so you don't show off a large pile of money.

In addition, plan in advance by keeping small money somewhere in the body, so you can only spend what you need.

This is a great distraction if you've been in a dangerous situation. Use a used wallet or wallet with a little money in it and some other useless cards that look legitimate.

If you are damaged and robbed, then you can hand over this fake wallet by knowing that your real cash and card is hidden safely.

Unfortunately, the hotel's storage area is not always "safe". Many hotels are not responsible for losing, so you should store important documents and your cash on you when you go out and around.

This method mainly applies if you travel abroad. It is important to always bring passport, credit card, and other important documents with you.

Then, just in case you always send an email to yourself with a copy of all your documents before traveling.

In addition to tips on saving cash while traveling, follow other interesting articles too. Want to know other interesting information? Don't miss it, keep an eye on the updated news from VOI and follow all the social media accounts!

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