YOGYAKARTA - A dead end or appendix is inflammation of the dead end which if not handled properly can be fatal. The wrong thing for the dead end is to lift your leg. So, how do you know the dead end by lifting your leg?

Many people believe that lifting a leg can help identify the symptoms of the dead end. However, how scientific is this method?

Reporting from the Cleveland Clinic page, the dead intestine is a tube-shaped organ measuring 2 to 4 inches that is connected to the large intestine (colon) and located at the bottom of the stomach cavity.

Abstacle or appendix occurs when the dead intestine is infected or inflamed. If you have an appendix, you will most likely undergo an asymptomy, or surgery to remove your dead intestine.

Please note, humans can live a long, normal, and healthy life without their dead intestines.

Before continuing, also read the article that discusses the Causes of frequent Stomach Krams next to the left: Beware of Being Indications of Serious Diseases!

During physical examinations, health care providers can check if you are experiencing pain with the following procedures:

Meanwhile, quoted from the Nursing Center page, there are several different signs that can indicate that a person has an appendix or dead end. The following are some findings in patient examination and their relationship with acute appendix by examining the following parts:

In addition to physical movements, deaduld diagnosis can also be done with blood tests, ultrasound, and CT scans. As for the blood test, health care providers will follow the following procedures:

Then during the CT scan check, you may go through the following procedure:

Finally, during ultrasound, health care providers will attach a special gel to your stomach. Then you will be asked to move the device called a transducer on your stomach to see the image.

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