YOGYAKARTA - Furniture made from particle boards is indeed very popular because of its affordable price and variety of designs. However, like other furniture materials, the particle board needs the right treatment to be durable and still good. So how to care for the furniture of the particle board?

Particle boards are made of compacted wood powder and resin glue. This material has different characteristics from solid wood. Even though this furniture is made of many advantages, such as light and easy to form, you still need to do special care.

Therefore it is very important to know how to care for particle board furniture for those of you who have it at home. With proper care, the parcel board furniture in your home can be a long-term investment and still look like new.

Often the home owner ignores the conditions or treatment of his furniture. Even though treating the furniture of the particle board is very easy and not complicated. You just need to pay attention to its placement and use.

Here are some ways to care for particle board furniture that you need to know:

One of the main drawbacks of the particle board is that it is not able to last long in damped or exposed to water. If exposed to water for a long time, the particle board can absorb moisture and start to swell or convex.

To prevent moisture damage, you must keep it away from water. Avoid placing the furniture particle board in areas that are often wet or moist, such as near the sink, bathroom, or protective kitchen.

If there is a liquid spilled on the furniture surface, immediately coat it with a dry cloth to avoid wood particles absorbing water. To provide extra protection, you can add an anti-water protective layer to the furniture surface, such as a vertical or sealant.

So that the furniture particle board remains clean and durable, it is important to use the right cleaning products. Because this material is water sensitive and hard chemicals, avoid using water-based cleaners or those that contain chemicals that can damage the outer layer.

Use a microfiber cloth or soft cloth to clean the dust and dirt on the particle board furniture. Do not use a cleaner made from acid or alcohol that can damage the surface of the lamination or laneer on the furniture. Choose a cleaning product designed specifically for wood furniture.

To protect the furniture particle board surface from scratches or damage caused by heavy objects, always use protective bases. Particle boards tend to be easier to scratched or peel off than solid wood, especially if they are exposed to constant friction.

If you put heavy objects such as flower vas, pots, or electronic equipment, you should place a layer so that the surface is not scratched. If furniture is used as a desk or dining table, use a caplak or protective cloth on it.

Direct sunlight can damage the surface of the furniture particle board. If exposed to direct sun exposure, the coating of laminations or veneers can fade, peel, or even melt.

To prevent damage caused by sunlight, keep the particle board furniture away from areas that are directly exposed to the sun. If you have to put the furniture near the window, make sure to put up a curtain or window to reduce UV exposure.

Although sturdy, the particle board has limitations in holding heavy loads. Too much weight on the furniture surface can cause the board to curl or even crack.

To prevent the furniture particle board from being damaged by the load, avoid putting too heavy objects on top. If you have to put a heavy object, make sure the load is evenly distributed across the surface, not just centered at one point.

Check regularly on your furniture particle board to see signs of damage such as scratches, cracks, or shape changes. By taking regular attention to it, you can immediately repair minor damage before it becomes more severe.

Use a special wood repair product to cover small scratches or cracks in theuser layer or lamination. If there are parts that start to loosen or crack, such as hinges or furniture legs, change them immediately or repair them so that furniture remains stable.

Those are some ways to care for particle board furniture that you need to remember. By providing proper care such as the tips above, the furniture in your home will last a long time and can look like new. Also read the advantages and disadvantages of wooden tables.

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