YOGYAKARTA - Photos of a giant human image on the ground named Marree Man have been the talk of social media lately. Uploading the photo of Marre Man was shared through the social media account X (Twitter) @aryarama****. The mystery of Marree Man has made many people curious.

In the upload, the male figure of the Aboriginal Tribe is depicted. The image in the Australian desert is named Marre Man. Interestingly, this mysterious image can be seen from above Earth or outer space.

The original maker of the Marree Man image is still unknown. "Mistery Marree Man, a Giant Land Image That Can Be Seen from Space," wrote the account owner who uploaded it. The post has been shared thousands of times and is liked by tens of thousands of netizens.

Many netizens are wondering where the Marree Man motive came from? Who made the image of the giant human being? Marre Man's mystery raises puzzles and attracts the attention of many parties.

The thought of Marree Man was first discovered by a pilot named Trevor Wright on June 26, 1998. The mysterious image is located on a plateau near the City of Marree in South Australia. According to the NASA Earth Observatory, this figure describes a male hunter who holds something similar to a baton or backfire.

Marree Man is classified as geogliph because it is built from very large soil material. The carving image can only be clearly seen from the height. With a length of 3.5 kilometers, the Maree Man carving became a prominent object in the satellite image of the region. But over time, the carving lines began to fade.

In 2013, the Marree Man carving was barely visible in the natural color image of the Operational Land Imager (OLI) device on the Landsat 8 Satellite. In August 2016, local residents feared the carvings would disappear and reduce tourist attraction. They then decided to recover it.

They used accurate GPS coordinates such as the original carving to re-draw Marree Man in five days. To keep this geogliph more durable than the original version, they designed it to capture water and encourage vegetation growth.

Over time, they hoped that the vegetation would turn the carving lines green. Marree Man is now seen again in the image of the Landsat Satellite since November 8, 2016. To see the entire Marree Man carving line, one must fly by plane at an altitude of about 914 meters above Earth's surface.

There are various theories trying to reveal who creators of Marree Man's carvings are. But until now no one has been proven true. According to the Outdoor Active report (27/1/2020), one theory states that this carving was made by the residents of Marree City. Residents who live about 60 km east of the carving.

Several anonymous press releases sent to local businesses in 1998 indicated that their creators came from the United States. However, this allegation is considered an attempt to distract. In 1999, a plaque was found near Marree Man's carving head showing the US flag.

The discovery raises speculation that the carving may be linked to a joint defense project between the US and Australia. Another theory, as reported by Australian Geographic (4/10/2018), mentions that Marree Man may have been created by an artist named Bardius Goldberg.

It was reported that Goldberg had told a friend that he was paid 10,000 US dollars (around Rp. 152 million) to make a work of art that could be seen from space. However, because he died in 2002, this claim could not be verified.

That's a quick review of the mystery of Marree Man which still raises puzzles and questions to date. Although the identity of its creator is still a mystery, Marree Man's carvings have succeeded in attracting many tourists. Local officials are trying to preserve it. Also read the dark point mystery on the Planet Neptune.

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