The birth of a child is a form of happiness that is so valuable to every married couple. Especially if this married couple is waiting for the birth of their first child. The birth of the first child is a highly coveted birth. The struggle of a mother who is nine months pregnant and the pain of giving birth has paid off after hearing the cry of a baby born in good health. As for a Muslim, it is mandatory to understand the Shari'a how to pray for a newborn.

In Islam itself, a Muslim is advised to pray when a newborn is born with the hope that the child born can become a pious and pious child and become a good human being in character towards others.

Below, we will explain the recommended series of dhikr for newborns. Dhikr and this prayer is especially carried out by the father, and is still recommended for others.

The series of procedures, remembrance, and prayers have been summarized by Sayyid Muhammad bin 'Ali al-Tarimi in al-Wasail al-Syafi'ah fi al-Adzkar al-Nafi'ah wa al-Aurad al-Jami'ah (Beirut: Dar al-Ihya al-Ilm, 2000), hal. 269, see the series below:

Allahummammaj'alhu bhaturran taqiyyan rasy lebih dan wa-anbit-hu fil isl Marijumi nab marijutan hasanan

"O Allah, make him (a baby) a good, pious, and intelligent person. Grow him in Islam with good growth."

Wa inn kali udzu bika wadzurriyahmenyatah Minasysyaith

"I ask for protection for him and his children and children to (maintain) You from the devil who is cursed."

A your father bikalimatiLlhi at-troommmmati min kulli syaithnin wa hhmmatin wamin kulli ainin l sammatin

I take refuge in the words of Allah from all demons, distress, and evil views.

In addition to praying, there are several sunnahs that can be done by parents for newborns. Quoted from the Book of Fiqh as Sunnah li an-Nisa' by Abu Malik Kamal, the translation of Firdaus Sanusi, along with the series:

The newborn baby was destroyed for aqiqah on the seventh day. For the aqiqah son in the form of two convex, there is one goat woman.

From Abu Salman Ibn Amir adh-Dhabi, the Prophet SAW said:

"In boys there is aqiqah, then shed blood (of the goat) as aqiqah for them and get rid of the disturbance from them." (HR Bukhari, Tirmidzi, and Ibnu Majah)

Giving names to children is also the sunnah of birth in Islam. What must be known, should not arbitrarily give names, and must be good because there is prayer and hope in a name.

Dari Samura, Rasulullah SAW berbda,

"Every child is pawned with his aqiqah, slaughtered for him on the seventh day, and given the name that day, and shaved his head." (HR Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidzi and An-Nasa'i)

Every parent is also trained to cut the child's hair on the seventh day of birth. This was exemplified by Prophet Muhammad when his grandchildren Hasan and Husein were born.

Every mother who has just given birth is recommended to give her child Mother's Milk (ASI) for two years. This is in accordance with the word of Allah SWT in surah Al Baqarah verse 233,

Meaning: "Mothers should feed their children for two full years, namely for those who want to perfect the treatment."

Such is the review of prayers for newborns and the recommended series (sunnah) for their parents to do. Visit to get other interesting information.

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