YOGYAKARTA Sherina Munaf uploaded a number of portraits depicting her journey, from Labuan Bajo with her father, to Wae Rebo. Take a peek at the portrait with a beautiful landscape of nature and Sherina's delicious local food.

Delivered with the caption 'Sherina & Father to Labuan Bajo', the above portrait was uploaded. You can see that the Bougenville plant is flowering. Furthermore, it can be seen that the water area is seen with a number of boats, bridges, and sky horizons and the sea is decorated with yellowish sun.

Wearing a sleeveless black dress and beautiful motif, Sherina took a selfie. It looks like it radiated on Sherina's face during the golden hours.

Yesterday, Sherina uploaded her journey in different places, namely at Wae Rebo. From Labuan Bajo it took 4 hours to get a view in the portrait above. The above view is located on Dintor Beach and to get a Nuca Moras view you have to climb.

"I want to try it", wrote @afgan__'s verified account commenting on the portrait of Sherina Munaf's trip to Wae Rebo. Another netizen's comment, "It seems to be Sherina's adventure".

The above portrait looks iconic, as it is one of the scenes in the film Adventurer Sherina. Warganet's comment, Sherina's adventure in real life.

Apparently, Sherina did not want to miss the slightest catch of a master in a traditional village which is located far from a frenzy. Wae Rebo is located at an altitude of 1,200 meters above sea level. Wae Rebo is also recognized as a cultural heritage because it has existed since 1200 years ago and is currently entering its 20th generation.

Through a portrait of Sherina Munaf's journey, she wrote a number of notes about what she enjoyed at Waerebo. Regarding the Waelu ceremony, enjoying the view of the night sky, tasting markisa, processed cooking from traditional women, and cinnamon Arabica coffee.

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