The fish supply is becoming a hot topic of conversation among the community, especially because of its claims that contain omega-3, a substance that is known to have many health benefits. This dairy product enriched with fish extract is touted as a complete source of nutrients, combining the benefits of milk and sea fish. Now talk about that, what do you think about marine fish that are rich in Omega 3? Let's discuss it!

The reason is, as we all know, marine fish are a very rich source of nutrients for omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to help the health of the heart, brain, and many other body functions.

Omega-3, a type of important fatty acid, should be obtained from food because our bodies cannot produce it themselves. Sea fish such as salmon, tuna and others are some examples of sea fish rich in omega-3. This article will discuss these fish as well as why omega-3 is important for your health.

Reasons Omega 3 Is Important

Omega-3 fatty acids are divided into three main types: ALA (alpha-lineolenic acid), EPA (eikosapeneat acid), and DHA (dakosaheksaenoat acid). EPA and DHA, which are found in marine fish, play an important role in maintaining heart and brain health.

1. Sarden

Sarden is a small fish that is often found in canned form, but rich in omega-3. In 100 grams of sardines there are about 1,480 mg omega-3. In addition, sardines rich in calcium, vitamin D, and selenium make it an affordable fish option but still high in nutrition.

2. Hering

Hering is a fish that is widely consumed in various countries, especially in Europe. This fish contains about 1,700 mg omega-3 per 100 grams. Hering is often synthesized, smoked, or consumed freshly. In addition to omega-3, hering is also a good source of vitamin D, which supports bone health and strengthens the immune system.

3. Salmon

Salmon is one of the most popular fish rich in omega-3, especially wild salmon species. In 100 grams of wild salmon is about 2,260 mg omega-3. In addition, salmon is a good source of protein and contains vitamin D and B12. salmon consumption can routinely improve heart health, lower blood pressure, and support brain function.

4. Makarel

Makarel is a small marine fish that is very rich in omega-3, with 4,580 mg omega-3 per 100 grams. This makes it one of the best sources of omega-3. Makarel also contains selenium, which acts as an antioxidant to protect cells from damage. Its delicious taste makes Makrel popular in various dishes.

5. Tuna

Tuna, especially the albacore type, is a good source of omega-3. In 100 grams of albacore tuna is about 1,298 mg omega-3. Tuna is also rich in high-quality protein and vitamin B6. However, because some tuna species contain high mercury, it is recommended to consume it moderately, especially for children and pregnant women.

Recommendations For Consumption Omega-3

To get optimal benefits from omega-3, it is recommended to eat marine fish at least twice a week. For those who don't like fish, fish oil supplements can be an alternative, although direct consumption of fish is recommended because it also provides other nutritional benefits such as vitamins and minerals.

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