YOGYAKARTA A 6-year-old child with 12 years of milk teeth and permanent change of teeth or fixed teeth. Starting from the teeth of the center series to the upperii and growing teeth in the jaw. For children who experience oligodontia, they lose six teeth or more. This means that milk teeth do not grow again into permanent teeth.

Oligodontia is one of three forms of dental agentism. Or the child with six or more teeth of milk or his adult teeth is missing. Oligodontia is genetic, and this is actually rare. But when it happens, many parents don't know about the condition of the oligodontia.

Oligodontia occurs less than 1 percent of the world's population. While anodontia, or more or less eidicient adult teeth, affects about 7 percent of people. In fact, this condition is often not found until children undergo the first panoramic tooth X-rays, which are usually recommended after permanent teeth start to grow (about the age of 6 or 7 years). Children with oligodontia, the growth is good. But six or more teeth lost, of course shocking.

Lost teeth, often repaired with implants, or crowns, can also bridge without mentioning possible genetic conditions. Because usually medically, dentistry focuses on fixing problems rather than understanding the causes, explained the prostodontis and oral oncology of Doctor Naif Sinada, DMD., MS., reported by Parents, Friday, September 6.

How to know whether your child lost his teeth or experienced oligodontia, hypodontia, or anodentia, among others, by understanding the pattern of dental growth. Primary teeth, the first set of 20 teeth grew at the age of 3 years. About 5-6 years, milk teeth start on date because permanent teeth will grow. A total of 32 permanent teeth, generally all of them have grown in children aged 12-14 years, except for the youngest teeth. However, if permanent teeth never grow, the milk teeth will not be on date or date, so the space remains empty.

Teeth on the date or the growth of permanent teeth, sometimes does not occur at a certain age. If your child experiences it, it is important to take him to a dentist. Well, every case of missing teeth, it is unique. Dental experts say the easiest way to detect missing teeth is to do regular dental checks every six months.

Oligodontia is usually diagnosed with X-ray imaging or known as oral X-rays. But to diagnose tooth loss, dentists will expect to recommend panoramic X-rays that provide full views on upper and lower jaws and teeth. If your pediatrician doesn't mention missing adult teeth, make sure to ask them especially if you have a family history. Experts advise, do research because the more you understand related information, you will find more solutions.

Most people with missing teeth will eventually need dental implants. But specialists suggest that young patients wait until they reach full growth and facial development, usually at the end of their teens. How to deal with these oligodontia, it is necessary to be treated directly by prosthetic dentists. Because if they are not treated, lost teeth can affect facial features, jawbone growth, and swallowing skills properly.

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