YOGYAKARTA Healthy couple relationships need to be built step by step. That means, if you want to build a harmonious relationship that can resolve conflicts in a healthy manner, it's important to go through activities with the following couple.

Holding a device to access various layers of the digital world, can spend a quarter of the time a day. It's important to realize that you and your partner need to spend free time screening-time staring at each other, listening to stories, to paying attention and love.

Not a few people who have a partner complain that they feel lonely even sitting with their partner. This marks that each other is not connected. Connecting with your partner can strengthen warmth in the relationship. Like physically present in relational activities at home. For example talking, cooking, folding the wash. In principle, this relational activity builds a sense of security for each other and allows the presence of joy and relaxation.

Intimacy does not always have to be built by talking or physical contact. But sitting quietly side by side in silence, for example in prayer, also includes one of the sati's activities to build emotional intimacy. When sitting in silence together, it is important to stay focused on sensations, images, feelings, and thoughts.

At first glance you look unrelated, but have you ever felt annoyed with your partner's true behavior because you are sleep deprived or tired? For that, getting enough sleep is also important in building a healthy relationship with your partner. Sleep is important in recovering. Especially being able to sleep next to your partner, it will certainly be calm and encouraging.

Setting a daily list of tasks helps create a healthy balance. In addition to domestic tasks, meeting food and drink needs, house cleanliness or others, it's important to also play with your partner. Don't have to play outside the house. But having games played together, help build connections in the brain and connect with each other.

Even if you and your partner have different working times, it's important to keep the time together. One of the activities that needs to be done to maintain common health and fitness, namely exercise. You can dance with laughter or exercise in the gym together. Daily physical activities, reported by YourTango, Friday, September 6, are recipes for physical, mental, emotional and relational health.

Doing nothing, just watching television with your partner, can be a way to relax. Relaxing is sometimes needed to stay relaxed. We don't focus on specific goals, just for relaxation. But the meaning is, we take the time to recharge, which is done with the couple.

The seven activities with the above couple aim to create healthy thoughts. In addition, it also helps the brain keep working well. According to David Rock and Daniel Siegel, the initiator of The Healthy Mind Plate and Interpersonal Neurobiology models, integrated with each other is related to how we connect with couples, families, communities. Healthy activities with the above couple are brain nutrition and relationships to work properly.

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