JAKARTA - Yasmin Napper is back with his latest acting project, the film Thaghut. This film became the first horror film he has starred in since he made his acting debut in 2018.

Thahut tells of a female student named Ainun (Yasmin Napper), a child of a highly respected magic person. Ainun began to feel strange after his father died and he began to be trapped in heretical teachings.

He told that his latest film was very interesting because apart from horror, he got a character that was completely different from usual. Yasmin himself starred in soap operas with protagonist characters, but this time it was different from the acting projects he had played.

"Honestly at first I was really nervous because I've never played a horror film at all and I always get a calm role, then maybe calm down, don't have a lot of behavior," Yasmin Napper told VOI some time ago.

"But in the film Thahut this time, this is a horror film, that's how I became the figure. You could say that my role is rough, evil, you have to be able to express like I'm shouting, so here I'm very different in the same transformation playing and yes in the film Thaghut one of my most challenging films.. "he said.

With the new role, the actress on November 22 does not need a special difference or way to explore this role. Thanks to the direction of director Bobby Prasetyo, Yasmin thinks he can go through the process of deepening his new character.

"The process of exploring his character through reading continues to chat with the director, acting coach, producer and other co-stars. We also had time before filming, we had a scene, read the script together and then we immediately did it during reading so that later when filming it was shorter," said Yasmin.

"One thing that I found when I played horror was that I could scream that hard. And it turned out that my body was quite flexible, only then did I know when I played the horror film," he said again.

The 20-year-old actress also revealed that some of her scenes were cut due to controversy involving the film Thaghut. It is known that the film Thaghut was previously titled Kiblat, but received protests from the public because this film was suspected of abusing religion. As a result, they changed their name and poster material.

"Actually, I really understand where this criticism came from because they just saw a piece of the whole film and I also don't blame netizens for criticizing like that," he explained.

"Surely we have an opinion on what we see. In the trailer it is not explained that the purpose of this film is no goal to insult or demonize any religion or make people afraid of worship but instead the film just wants to teach that there is no way that is more appropriate or good than the path appointed by God," said Yasmin.

Furthermore, Yasmin Napper also thinks that if this film from the start had the intention to blaspheme religion, then it was impossible for him to take this film.

"If from the start there was an evil intention, I would not take this film or if it was controversial from the start in my opinion and in the end it made people afraid to worship, I didn't take the film at all but because I knew the purpose of this film was like that, why did I take this project, "said Yasmin Napper.

In the film Thahut, Yasmin Napper is asked to show dualism in Ainun's character. The film shows Ainun's side as the protagonist and antagonist that is fairly new to Yasmin.

"I still remember, we were filming Thaghut for about a month, the process was in Yogya outside the city and the fatigue was probably because this is a horror film, so there are many sets at night that I usually shoot from morning to night, this is the afternoon to morning," said Yasmin Napper.

Yasmine said that one of the most difficult scenes is the scene of dissipation as seen in the trailer. "For me, the most difficult thing is possession," said Yasmin Napper.

Not without reason, this is because Yasmine had to scream until her voice ran out and could not speak for one day.

"I had her voice screaming when I was there for one day I had a hard time talking. Because my role requires a voice that is a bit like that (squeezing), yes, and physically it is also drained," she said.

Yasmine also admitted that she was a little nervous when she was invited to play in a horror film because she heard intense emotions.

"It's more physically dry, not just mentally because there are a lot of stunts and scenes that need your help, such as the corn field running, and the scene I attract continues to drain a lot of energy in the action," he said.

The role of Love Story The Series feels that this challenge further enriches his acting. Transforming on two different sides made Yasmin Napper try to bring something different.

"It's hard for me maybe the transformation from calm to dark continues to be evil and most of the scenes show a change in emotion from Ainun to a bad figure in seconds," said Yasmin Napper.

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