JAKARTA - Sitting in a vehicle while traveling may feel comfortable, but once you arrive at your house your feet are swollen due to blood clots or what is known as thrombosis. Swollen feet occur when they are not used to move for several hours or in a sitting position continuously.

Medically, the slowing of blood flow is known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). It is often experienced by many people when they are in a sitting position for a long time and their legs are not actively moved for at least 4 hours.

In certain cases, such as experienced by people aged 45 years and over, obesity, and during pregnancy also often experience swollen legs due to thrombosis. To fix this, you can do a number of ways below.

Doing stretching movements

After not moving for more than 90 minutes, your feet will feel numb. So it is necessary to stretch so that blood circulation returns smoothly. Rotate the ankle to the right 10 times and the opposite direction for the same count.

You can also take a walk to restore the condition of your feet, lift your thighs to your toes and lean them against the wall or do some light exercise in the vehicle.

Drink cilantro boiled water

Coriander contains anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can relieve swollen feet after a long journey. The trick, boil 2-3 teaspoons of coriander in a glass of water. Strain the water and drink the coriander cooking water 2 times a day.

Soak feet in saltwater

In addition to relieving swollen feet, this method is also beneficial for relaxation. In general, soaking your feet in warm water that has been mixed with salt is done after a long walk. You can do this when your feet are swollen from sitting in the vehicle for a long time.

duduk lama kaki bengkak
Illustration of foot soaking (Pexels/cottonbro)

Brush the lemon and cucumber juice mixture

Its soothing and refreshing aroma can help treat swollen feet. Lemon and cucumber also contain anti-inflammatory properties so they can be used to apply, relax, and circulate blood that initially clots.

Eat watermelon

By consuming watermelon, diuretic problems caused by trapping fluid and causing swollen feet can be resolved. Little by little, when you eat watermelon the swollen legs will shrink.

The five ways above you can do one of them. In addition to doing the above methods, further, identify if the swelling of the leg doesn't go away. Because swollen feet can also indicate a disease that should not be underestimated.

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