YOGYAKARTA Cheese is a food that is known globally and the majority is made of milk. Whether it's cow or buffalo milk and goats, each region has its own way of processing it. In Indonesia, there are variations in traditional processed cheese. Apart from having a distinctive taste, the ingredients are also adapted to the surrounding earth products. Curious what types of local cheese are in Indonesia? Here's the list.

This first traditional Indonesian cheese, called dadiah cheese, comes from Bukittinggi, West Sumatra. The ingredients are made from buffalo milk which is uniquely processed. Dadiah cheese is made using bamboo stems covered with banana leaves as a container during production. Of course, the process determines the taste of a distinctive cheese.

Dadiah cheese has an acidic taste. Usually served as a dip or cocolan sauce for chips or red rice chili sauce. Many residents also consume this dadiah cheese with rice, chili sauce, betel, and onions.

This senduro cheese is produced in Lumajang, East Java. Seduro cheese is made from goat milk. There are two types of senduro cheese, namely soft cheese and mozzarella. Launching the Kemenparekraf page, Thursday, August 29, the mozzarella cheese has a chewy texture and melts when heated or roasted. If the cheese is soft, the texture is soft as tofu and has a distinctive milk aroma.

This cheese comes from Tapanuli, North Sumatra, and dali ni horbo known as Batak cheese. This distinctive cheese manufacture does not use chemicals. Like the previous local cheese, the manufacture is very unique.

This dali ni horbo cheese uses buffalo milk and added pineapple juice or papaya leaves as a dilution. It tastes good with a soft texture. Usually, this dali ni horbo cheese is served with naniura or raw fish and various fresh vegetables.

Boyolali is known as the center for the largest cow's milk producer. So cheese processing is also one of the products that process local dairy cattle. Posangkila cheese has a fresh taste and long durability. This local cheese has various types of products. Among them are feta cheese, mozzarella, mountain cheese, oil cheese, feta oil, and Robert cheese which is inspired by Camerat cheese from Paris.

Dangke cheese comes from Enrekang, South Sulawesi. This type of Indonesian native cheese, at first glance, looks like you know your heart. Cheese with a soft texture, is actually quite solid.

Dangke cheese is made of buffalo milk, or cow milk, which is filtered and then boiled with a minimum temperature of 70 degrees Celsius. Like Batak cheese, this dangke cheese uses sap or papaya leaves as a moisturizer. This is to form a solid texture in cheese. Well, so that it lasts more than a month, mixed with salt so it has a savory taste.

The above is a variety of local Indonesian cheese processed made from earth. Several types of cheese are processed traditionally. Have you ever tasted one of the local Indonesian cheese lists above?

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