YOGYAKARTA The most common symptom of gastritis is the bloating stomach and feels full. It is important to be aware that gastritis is inflammation in the stomach layer. The stomach layer, also known as the stomach mucoce, contains cells that produce enzymes and acids that are important for digestion. When this mukosa layer is inflamed, the stomach will work will be disrupted.

In addition to feeling full bloating and full stomach, gastritis is also marked by stomach pain to stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, black magic. These symptoms certainly make you uncomfortable.

This gastritis causes increased blood flow and accumulation of fluids in the stomach layer. That's why the stomach will feel bloating and full. Inflammatory and irritation in the stomach layer, or gastritis, can also interfere with contraction and regular movement in the digestive tract. As a result, the journey of food through the stomach will slow down and cause the emptying of the stomach to be delayed.

Stomach sensation bloating is full of gas, it can also be caused by disorders of digesting food due to gastritis. Gastritis interferes with the production and secretion of digestive enzymes. So that food is not broken optimally, causing carbohydrate fermentation. This fermentation produces gas in the stomach and results in bloating.

In someone suffering from acute gastritis, the stomach will feel bloating for several days and even up to a week. Usually it will improve if inflammation subsides. When experiencing gastritis symptoms, both the stomach feels swollen and full, or followed by other symptoms, it is important to be vigilant. If followed by drastic weight loss, bowel movements or vomiting accompanied by bloodstains, difficulty swallowing, to nausea and vomiting continuously, it is important to immediately check with the doctor.

Gastritis was medically diagnosed by recognizing the symptoms experienced by the patient. Starting from tracing the medical history to physical examination to looking for signs of gastritis. Tests will also be carried out at medical service centers. Such as endoscopy tests, namely tests using flexible tubes with cameras to check the stomach and duodenum layers. Launching Healthline, Friday, August 23, gastritis examination to conclude the diagnosis can also be done through blood tests that identify inflammation. For medical tests, usually to check traces of blood or Heliobacter pylori bacteria.

In general, gastritis needs to be treated with a prescription from a doctor according to the patient's condition. In addition to treatment from a doctor, home remedies with chamomile and ginger tea can reduce bloating and calm the stomach.

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