Love is one of the most straightforward ways to show people you care about him. This can also be expressed in various ways. Usually, affection refers to an attraction to someone. A few people offer affection through physical touch while others by saying good things, writing romantic messages, or planning quality time with loved ones.

If you have difficulty giving love, maybe you also know what to do to become more in love with your partner. However, what needs to be remembered is that lack of affection leads to sadness and loneliness, more love makes you happier and more mental health. So, how to become more loving in a relationship? Here's the review, as reported from the Very Well Mind page on Tuesday, August 20.

There are five love languages, namely words, quality time, physical touch, service action, and receiving gifts. You can learn the language of love by distinguishing which one you like most to do or do for you. Knowing more about yourself can make you more comfortable expressing affection. In addition, you can also ask your partner what love language he wants to accept. So you can try to show him the type of affection he wants.

Sharing feelings with trustworthy people proves to be able to reduce stress. If you know that your partner, family, or friends want you to be more intimate. But you find it difficult then the best step to take to get started is to tell them how difficult it is for you.

After studying the language of love it will really help you because it shows that this is a topic you care about and have considered. You can also discuss what has been learned and how you will use that knowledge to become more loving.

Maybe this seems opposite to intuition because it doesn't feel natural, but sometimes the only way to complete a difficult task is to do it.

Here are some things you can try:

Hugs relieve stress, but the benefits are more than that, hugs also strengthen the immune system. If you pay attention to how you feel when hugging someone, you will most likely realize how fun that feeling is. Then, after realizing it, you may do it more often to feel more natural.

Every relationship takes time spent together to increase affection. Quality time is an act of being present and involved when you spend time with someone. Quality time doesn't include sitting next to each other in the same room, but no interaction or busy with each other's business.

Although quality time is not your love language, spending more time with loved ones can help become more loving. That's because with him, you will become closer to a loved one.

If you are a very busy person, but you are short of time, don't hesitate to change your schedule for quality time with loved ones. It's more about intent and quality than quantity. Whatever the amount of time, all you know to be present and engage is the right thing to start with.

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