JAKARTA - Celebrity Jennifer Coppen has again poured out her heart regarding her husband's departure, David Wassink, who turned out to be even one month ago. In a chain message feature on Instagram, Jennifer said that she didn't really want to continue remembering the shocking moment in the past month. "I feel like I want to sleep now. And I don't want to remember the day tomorrow and remember what happened. It's not bad to leave for 1 month Papa Dali," wrote Jennifer Coppen, quoted by VOI from her personal Instagram, Sunday, August 18. Then she told the story of the moment when she got the news about the motorcycle accident that caused her husband's death. She said that the message came at 01.30 WITA on July 18. Jennifer said the moment was like in a film where she felt like a dream. "At 01.30 am on July 18 is my worst dream. I got the news that my husband had an accident. I felt rich in the film and thought, 'oh... is this a dream or not?'," continued Jennifer Coppen.

Furthermore, the mother of one person said that she had slapped herself because she still did not believe the news. Not long after that he immediately went to the hospital and found that Dali was dead. "I tried to slap myself. But this is not a dream. After 40 minutes I arrived at the hospital and my husband was gone," he added.

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