JAKARTA - urinary tract infections (ISK) due to congenital anatomical disorders in the baby if not resolved can cause chronic kidney failure.

"There are certain cases where there is a congenital disorder, one of the most common causes of atypical urinary tract infection, which causes chronic kidney disease later, if not treated properly, it can cause the child to undergo dialysis or dialysis," said the pediatrician who specializes in child nephrology consultants who graduated from the University of Indonesia, dr. Ina Zarlina Sp.A(K) quoted on Saturday, August 10.

Ina said indirectly, a complex ISK due to congenital disorders is the most common cause of end-stage chronic kidney disease patients or so-called CHronic Kidney Disease (CKD).

In the kidneys, there is an exchange process between substances from toxins that enter the gglomerulus part and then are dumped in the urine. If it does not function due to infection, the filtering function will also disappear.

In babies with congenital anatomical disorders, it can occur from the time they are in the womb due to exposure to infection or genetic factors that are passed down by their parents. This disorder can cause hydronephrosis with mild to severe levels.

Ina explained that hydronephrosis is a narrowing of the urine tract to the bladder because stone or congenital is born so that the urine flow is not smooth. This causes widening in pielum in the kidney organ resulting in swelling. This usefulness causes the risk of urinary tract infection.

In addition to hydronephrosis, the cause of kidney disease from urinary tract infection is due to urine that turns to the kidney or Vesicoureteral reflectux.

"Vesicoureteral reflectux is a backflow of urine, so it turns back, the urine rises again to the kidneys because there is indeed an abnormality or narrowing from theureter to the bladder, that's what shouldn't happen," he said.

Children infected with urinary tracts that attack the upper urinary tract, will leave scar tissue in the kidneys. As adults, for women it can lead to preeclampsia at a time when they become pregnant which in the next few years could cause end-stage kidney failure.

For examination of urinary tract infections due to congenital disorders, it is necessary to take action on urine or cateterization culture to see the number of germs found in the urine. Inaccurate sampling can cause an error in diagnosing urinary tract infections.

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