YOGYAKARTA Muscle cages often interfere with activity. The reason is, muscle cramps can occur in any part of the body. Occurs when the muscles are tense, or contracting, accidentally.

Unfortunately, the exact cause of muscle cramps is unknown. But risks that encourage muscle stretching, one of which is the imbalance between minerals and electrolytes due to dehydration and exercise so that muscles are tense and flexible. Muscle kram can also occur at every age and during menstruation, pregnancy, alcohol consumption, and taking certain medicines. To prevent muscle cramps this food list can be included in the daily menu.

Bone broth contains many electrolyte minerals, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Launching Health, Wednesday, July 31, minerals are important in bone broth are important for the function of the body. Such as the right neural signal and muscle movement.

Bananas contain potassium height. In one medium size banana contains more than 400 milligrams potassium. Bananas also contain other electrolytes to help you reduce the risk of muscle cramps. Electrolyte in banana fruit, including sodium, magnesium, and calcium. This fruit is also a source of fiber, rich in vitamins A, B6, and vitamin C.

Although tomatoes contain fewer potassium than bananas, they contain nearly 300 mg in medium size. Red tomatoes get their color from an antioxidants called lycopene. Likopen can reduce the risk of various types of diseases, including cancer.

Unlike bananas and tomatoes, it seems that the highest avocado contains potassium in one medium size. That is as much as 1,000 mg, which also contains fat, calcium, magnesium, and sodium.

Many variants of melon, including honey melon. Including watermelons, these two fruits contain about 90 percent of the water that helps hydrate the body and prevent muscle cramps. In full, each melon variant has different nutrients. But generally it contains important minerals including calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium.

Sweet potatoes in a cup contain more than 400 mg potassium and fiber, protein, and vitamin C. Sweet potatoes also contain a lot of water and overall nutrients in them can help prevent muscle cramps.

When sweating, you lose water and electrolyte, especially sodium. Water found naturally in coconut water, is the most sodium source. This means that coconut water refills water reserves as well as sodium. Both ingredients are useful for preventing toto cramps.

All types of nuts contain high phosphorus. Did you know that without phosphorus the body is more often tense and has muscle cramps? Nuts are one of the foods that prevent muscle cramps that interfere with activity. If you regularly exercise, you can include various kinds of nuts as a snack to prevent muscle cramps.

Milk helps you prevent muscle cramps because it contains a lot of calcium. Calcium helps contracted muscles stay relaxed so they don't experience cramps. Milk also contains vitamin D which helps the body absorb calcium.

Vegetable greens that are rich in potassium include spinach, kale, green mustard, plus cabbage. Potass, in addition to being useful for preventing cramps, also helps the heart beat normally and moving nutrients in cells and removing body waste.

In addition to including a list of foods that help prevent muscle cramps above, it is also important to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Namely choosing to eat healthy foods instead of excessive processed foods. Plus, just need to drink and electrolyte the body.

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