JAKARTA - The name of Laudya celebrity Cynthia Bella alias LCB was in the public spotlight after a Facebook account named Sulawidayah Syam said that Laudya Cynthia Bella had married Ustadz Nuzul Dzikri.

"Today it was rumored that LCB was married to one of the ustadz with Salaf manephaj, Ustadz Nuzul Dzikri Hafidzahullah," said the statement from the Sulhadiyah Syam account quoted by VOI, Monday, July 29.

But not long after, a relative of Laudya Cynthia Bella, Kaditha Ayy, clarified that the news was not true.

"Be careful with slander, my brother. Allahul Musta'an. The news of the marriage is not true. I've been tabayun with the person closest to him," said Kaditha Ayu through her personal Instagram.

Seeing this, the owner of the Sulhidayah Syam account immediately clarified. He admitted that he had spread false news to the public about Laudya Cynthia Bella.

"I want to straighten out that the wedding news of Ustadz Nuzul Dzikri and Laudya Cynthia Bella is not true. This is purely our fault because it spreads the news too quickly just by looking at some posts that turned out the news was not true," the account wrote.

At the end of his sentence, he apologized for carelessly spreading the news of the marriage of the Buya Hamka film player.

"I ask Allah for forgiveness, may Allah forgive my mistakes and mistakes," he said.

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