YOGYAKARTA Fungal infections or vaginal candialysis are common health problems and cause discomfort. These conditions are experienced by three out of four women at a time in their lives. That means, the majority of women have experienced fungal infections.

Many experts recommend wearing clothes with good fiber. The point is to let the skin breathe and get good circulation. But what if you use a tight legging that is mostly made up of polyesters that cause moist skin, increase the potential for fungal, itching, and irritation infections?

Gynecologist from Yale Medicine and assistant professor at the Yale School of Medicine, Kathryn McKenney, MD. explained that fungi are single cell organisms. When fungal cells gather, they build divine'. Candida is a fungal species. For women, research reported by Byrdie, Monday, July 22, shows that fungi are microbiological flora that live on the skin day by day. However, candida likes to grow in damping environments.

Candidate Infections most often occur in genital areas, sometimes spread tolongs /men, in the mouth (sariawan), concavations (in people with low immune systems), around milk nipples while breastfeeding, "explained McKenney.

Well, wearing tight legging when a lot of sweat is spent, of course, moisturizing certain areas of the body and becoming a favorite place for Candidate mushrooms makes identials'. McKenney explained, there is no medical evidence to support claims that strict legging can cause fungal infection. However, clothing is considered to increase the risk factor of fungal infection.

Although it doesn't have to be avoiding non-synthetic sportswear, obstetric and gynecologist clinical professor at Yale Medical School, Mary Jane Minkin, MD. said. That legging is just clothes worn during sweating activity and keeps sweat unmanaged in the area around the vagina. So Minkin recommends wearing cottoned underwear when wearing tight legging. This helps reduce irritation and dry quickly.

As an alternative to tight legging used during exercise, it is better to choose ingredients that absorb sweat. Such as nylon, modalmicro, polypropylene, or micro capital. In addition to choosing the type of legging material, it is also important to limit usage. Gynecologists recommend not wearing sports clothes when they are wet. Change clothes immediately when wet or moist and wash immediately after exercise using detergents or hair-free fragrances.

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