YOGYAKARTA When children go up to school or just go to school, they need to adapt to their new environment. They meet new friends and environments that may stress them. Even children can feel anxious or uncomfortable.
The adaptation process takes time, where each child is not the same. Most of the children who get the support of their closest people after entering new school, manage to adapt well. But for children who are highly introverted, transition is a challenge for them. Research found that children who often move risk to poor academic achievements increased. They also risk experiencing social problems and psychological difficulties related to low social competence and self-esteem.
Children will develop when they have a predictable routine and schedule. So changes sometimes make them disoriented and cut off their spirits.
"They have to start from scratch in terms of making new friends and identifying teachers and staff who they think are easy to approximate or secure," said Sandra Calzadilla, LMHC, licensed mental health counselor who specializes in child development and parenting.
Although each child is different, some children feel comfortable in the new school environment and new friends for several weeks. While others may take several months to adjust. The adjustment period, depending on the personality and temperament of your child and the support they receive.
To support children who have just graduated from class or entered a new school, parents can help them provide certainty in the early days they enter school. For example, meeting new teachers and recognizing their school environment. Accompany them to know where their class is, bathroom, window, health room, and other school activities rooms.
If your child is shy, it is necessary to be patient, understanding, and supportive in the process of supporting them adapt. Often contact them and let them overcome their feelings and emotions while with you at home. According to Angie Frencho, M.Ed., set a common goal to help children do a brainstorming like what the ideal scenario is to achieve small goals.
Determine small goals together [help them] through discomfort, friendship, and ask questions. Lead with kindness and encourage your child to do the same," added Frencho.
Plus, participating in school events and participating in communities, helping children get new friends and connections. Register them to the classes, sports, or other activities they are interested in that will help them meet people with the same interests.
It is not easy to deal with transitions and adapt to new classes, new environments, or new schools. Parents need to be supportive, patient, and understanding to support their children to adapt to their new friends.
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