YOGYAKARTA - When it comes to the largest country, of course, we know that Russia with a land area of 17,098,242 km2 and a population of 144,055,215 people. But do you know what is the smallest country in the world? Let's discuss here!


- The Conditions For Establishing A Country

- Vatican Becomes the Smallest Country in the World

- Some Of The Smallest Countries In The World

The Conditions For Establishing A Country

Before knowing the smallest country in the world, it would be nice if we looked at the conditions for the establishment of a country. Although there are no official provisions, there are criteria for making a new country that is generally accepted and rooted in international law.

Referring to the 1933 Montevideo Convention, it is stated that an area must fulfill the following 4 provisions to become a country:

If asked what is the smallest country in the world? Of course it is held by the Vatican with an area of 0.49 km2. The country, which is located in Southern Europe, has imposed a Euro currency for the entire transaction process.

With a population of 526 people, the Vatican is recognized internationally as the smallest country to operate independently.

As the country with the smallest population in the world, the Vatican holds an important position as the center of the Catholic Church in the world.

The ratification of the Vatican as an independent country recognized by the world was the result of the signing of an agreement by Pope Pius XI in 1929.

The agreement is compensation for the loss of Vatican influence in various areas around Italy.

The Vatican has a special side, namely a charming architecture. There are also territorial boundaries consisting of the Sistina Chapel, St Peter's Square, and Vatican Park.

Some Of The Smallest Countries In The World

I. Monaco

Still located in Southern Europe, the second position in the list of the smallest countries in the world is Monaco with an area of 1.95 km2 and a population of 36,186 people.

Following the constitutional monarchy system, the country that imposes the Euro currency is popular with a variety of luxury, a kind of casino and a prestigious Grand Prix circuit.

Not only that, Monaco are also rich in their extraordinary natural panorama. This small country offers the charm of the Mediterranean sea which is clear and warm.

II. Nauru

With an area of 21 km2, Nauru ranks third in the smallest country in the world. The smallest archipelagic country in the world is located in Oceania.

Offering a typical tropical panorama and marine biodiversity, this country with a population of 11,065 people is often a tourist destination from various parts of the world.

If you want to visit Nauru, first prepare the Australian dollar so you can transact easily.


Bribes occupy the fourth position of a country with a very small area in the world. The country of 26 km2 with a population of 11.461 people consists of 9 ring islands (angrang atolls).

Bribes have a 15-foot high or about 4.57 m above sea level. Even so, this country has a Funafuti Conservation Area spread over its beaches.

Located in the Oceania area, Bribes manage a large marine protection area with a total land and reefs of about 3.100 hectares.

With a remote, charming view of the South Pacific coast,village is an interesting tourist destination to visit.

IV. San Marino

The holder of the fifth position of the smallest country in the world is San Marino with an area of 61 km2 with a population of 33,621 people. This country is located in the northeast of the Apenne Mountains, Italy.

San Marino is the oldest republical country in the world. Legacy from the Middle Ages and natural views of rural Italy make San Marino have its own charm for tourists.

V. Liechtenstein

Located between Austria and Switzerland, Liechtenstein has an area of 160 km2 and a population of 39,772 people. His strategic position makes tourists often visit during winter.

From Liechtenstein, there are beautiful views of the Alps and rural areas. There are many interesting activities that can be tried there, from across the country to skiing on snowy mountains.

VI. Marshall Islands

The Pacific Ocean Islands has a country with an area of 181 km2 only. The Marshall Islands consist of only 29 atoll reefs and 5 islands.

This island nation with a population of 42,325 people is rich in culture and history. Not only that, but the marine wealth is also interesting to explore.

In addition, you must also know what the Indicators of Developed Countries are.

So after knowing the smallest country in the world, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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