YOGYAKARTA The rule of drinking boiled papaya leaves needs to be known in order to provide good health benefits.

Please note, papaya leaf boiled water is believed to be able to treat various diseases and maintain health in various ways.

One of the benefits of papaya leaf boiled water is its potential to treat certain symptoms related to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF).

DHF itself is a viral infection that is transmitted by mosquitoes to humans. This disease can cause symptoms such as fever, fatigue, headache, nausea. Vomit, and rashes are wrapped.

In severe cases, infection with this virus can reduce levels of platelets in the blood. Low levels of platelets can contribute to an increased risk of bleeding and have the potential to be fatal if not immediately operated.

Although there is no cure that can treat dengue fever, there are a number of treatments that can be done to manage the symptoms. One of them is drinking boiled water from papaya leaves.

So, how many times a day do you drink boiled papaya leaves to deal with dengue hemorrhagic fever? Find the answer in the following review.

Compiled from various sources, Tuesday, July 9, 2024, several studies show that papaya leaf boileds contain papain enzymes that can increase the number of platelets in the body.

Quoted from Antara, in general, normal humans have a red blood plate (trombolite) of around 150,000-400,000 per microliter. However, dengue virus infection can reduce platelets to less than 150,000 microliters.

This condition can make patients easily bruised and megalami bleeding which is difficult to stop.

Well, to increase the level of tomlet in a significant manner, dengue patients can consume papaya leaf boiled water.

To make this boiled water, a person needs as much as 100 grams of young papaya leaves. Then slice rough, then boil with water as much as 100 ml.

Boil the leaves of young papaya until the volume of water decreases by half or 50 ml. after that, filter and squeeze the leaves.

To eliminate the taste of pahir, you can add 1.5 to 2 boxes of honey tea into leaf juice.

A person who wants to increase his platelet levels can drink as much as 30 ml of papaya leaf ingredients after food, three times a day until his condition completely recovered.

Quoted from AI-Care, the following are the benefits of papaya leaf cooking in addition to overcoming certain symptoms related to dengue fever:

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