JAKARTA - Hair care is not just a matter of appearance. It's about maintaining health and confidence. Whether you're overcoming hair loss or want to get heavier strands, here's a comprehensive guide to help men do hair care effectively, quoted by the Times of India, Thursday, July 4.

The hair loss can be caused by various factors. The pattern of hair loss in men occurs at the front, top, and middle. Meanwhile, women experience hair loss, especially in the crown and upper part of the scalp due to hormonal changes.

Other causes include stress factors, nutritional deficiencies, certain medicines, and headaches. Overcoming basic health problems is immediately very important. Nutrition shortages must be treated with supplements or drugs prescribed by health professionals. Rontok caused by hormonal factors can be overcome with platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) under medical guidance.

BL Jangid, dermatologist, hair transplantation surgeon and founder of the SkinQurine Clinic in South Delhi said that maintenance routines are very important to maintain hair health. For men, keeping hair short simplifies care and ensures treatment is easier. It is recommended to wash hair every two days with soft shampoo free of sulfate.

For those who arety, the shampoo made from sulfate provides an effective cleaning, followed by quality conditioners to restore moisture and overcome tangled hair. However, if a ketombe is not a problem, the sulfate-free shampoo is ideal for routine care, and the use of conditioner can add to the beauty of the hair.

The use of hot hair care products every day can damage cumicula, causing drought and damage. It is recommended to limit hair management products such as gels and waxes because excessive use can cause product buildup, so that it can cause irritation of the skin and hair to fall out.

A balanced diet rich in iron, vitamins (mainly B12), protein, and folic acid support hair health. Additional supplements can only be consumed based on the results of identification through blood tests.

Contrary to common belief, consuming biotin supplements for hair growth does not have strong scientific support unless there are indeed confirmed shortcomings. Normal biotin intake of healthy food is sufficient for most individuals, so supplements are not needed unless prescribed by a healthcare provider.

Clean head skin is very important for healthy hair growth. Avoid excessive use of head skin oil, because excess oil can cause buildup and headaches. Massaging the scalp gently when shampooing stimulates blood circulation, increasing the delivery of nutrients to hair follicles and maintaining the health of the scalp.

In conclusion, effective hair care for men involves implementing a routine that meets needs. Starting from choosing the right product and according to each type of hair to overcoming the potential for hair loss with the right medical guidance, each step contributes to healthier and stronger hair. Remember, the proactive approach to hair care not only increases appearance but also increases self-confidence.

By integrating these practices into daily routines, you can make sure your hair remains strong, shiny, and maintained over the years ahead. It is recommended to visit a certified dermatologist if severe hair loss occurs. Doing self-medication or applying home remedies can worsen conditions.

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