YOGYAKARTA - After the end of life in the world, humans will live their next life, namely between entering heaven or hell. If humans have the opportunity to enter heaven according to their deeds in the world, then what about animals? Can animals also go to heaven?

In Islam, the door to heaven is not only open to humans but also to animals. There are a number of animals that are said to be going to heaven after leaving the life of the world. Even some animals have been guaranteed by ALLAH SWT to get a place in heaven.

Animals that will enter heaven get blessings thanks to their sacrifice and faith to ALLAH SWT. So what are the animals that enter heaven according to Islam? These ten animals are considered special because they are only living beings, apart from humans, who receive the pleasure of heaven's reward.

The list of animals that are said to have entered heaven is explained in the book Misykatul Anwar by Imam al-Ghazali through Muqatil's history and also quoted in Sirah Badi'uzzaman Said an-Nursi. There are ten animals that will be placed in heaven with the believers.

The following are ten animals that enter heaven according to Islam based on Muqatil's history:

One of the animals that received guarantees of heaven was a goat in Ismail's story. It started when Prophet Ibrahim received an order from Allah SWT to slaughter his son, Ismail. A very tough decision for Prophet Ibrahim, considering he had tried hard and waited a long time to have children.

However, because this is an order from the Almighty, Prophet Ibrahim carried it out sincerely. When the slaughter will be carried out, Allah SWT replaces Ismail with a large goat. This incident became the beginning of the celebration of Eid al-Adha. The goat slaughtered by Prophet Ibrahim also received a guarantee of heaven.

Another animal that was also given a place in heaven was a dog in the story of Ashabul Kahfi. Ashabul Kahfi are seven youths who are said to have fallen asleep in the cave and woke up after centuries. Ashabul Kahfi and a dog they fled the pursuit of the king of zalin and took shelter in the cave.

They continued to pray for safety. By the power of Allah SWT, their youths and dogs were put to sleep for 300 years to pass the leadership of the tyrannical king. In the Qur'an, the seven youths and dogs who accompanied them were promised heaven.

The fish in the story of Prophet Yunus are also animals that will go to heaven. It is said that the Prophet Yunus was once thrown into the ocean. He was then swallowed by a whale and remained in his stomach for 40 days.

While in the stomach of the fish, Prophet Yunus continued to pray and ask for forgiveness. Finally, the Prophet Yunus managed to come out and was surprised to see Ninawa people have faith in Allah SWT. The big fish in this story turned out to be intermediaries sent by Allah SWT.

The Prophet Saleh was challenged by the Tsamud to remove a female camel from the stone as evidence that she was a messenger. Thanks to the miracle given by Allah SWT, the Prophet Saleh managed to remove a pregnant female camel from a lump of rock.

However, the Tsamud people continued to deny and did not want to worship Allah SWT. They even killed the female camel and her child. As a result of this action, the Tsamud people were given the punishment in the form of stone rain. While the female camel gets a guarantee of heaven.

Another animal that is guaranteed by heaven in Islam is the Hud-hud bird. The Prophet Sulaiman attempted to invite a queen, Queen Balqis, to believe in Allah SWT. Hearing the residents there worshiping the sun, the Prophet Sulaiman sent a Hud-hud bird to invite the queen to come to his palace.

Ratu Balqis accepted the invitation. From there, the Prophet Sulaiman began to introduce the teachings of Allah SWT to him. Queen Balqis and her people then decided to believe. As an intermediary in this incident, the Hud-hud bird was given a guarantee of heaven.

The last animal to be given guarantee of heaven in the Qur'an is buraq. Buraq is an animal whose Prophet Muhammad SAW was riding on his way from the Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

One day, the Prophet Sulaiman and his troops were traveling to an area called Thaif. The Prophet Sulaiman heard the words of the ants and asked their troops to stop so that the ants could enter their nests.

After that, he spoke with the king of ants. It turned out that the king of ants was not worried that his flock would be stepped on. He was afraid that the ants would be fascinated by the splendor of Sulaiman's troops and forget the power of Allah SWT.

While traveling with hisotics, Prophet Uzair stopped in an area that had been destroyed by war. He fell asleep under a tree, unconsciously had fallen asleep for 100 years.

When he woke up, his body was intact even though he had been destroyed and so was his donkey. Prophet Uzar witnessed the power of Allah SWT in reviving hisfertile shirt from the bones to life and whole again.

It was confirmed that Prophet Musa received an order from ALLAH SWT to slaughter a female cow with special characteristics to find a killer. Finally he found a cow that met the requirements. The cow was kept by an orphan whose late father believed in Allah SWT.

Prophet Musa used the beef to touch the body of the man who was killed. With Allah's permission, the body rose from death and informed who the killer was. The slaughtered cow was then given the guarantee of heaven because it had become a tool to show the miracle of Allah to Bani Israil.

One day the Prophet Ibrahim was visited by three unknown guests who were travelers or travelers. Prophet Ibrahim respects them by serving roast beef. However, the three guests did not touch the food.

They came with the news that Prophet Ibrahim and his wife would soon be blessed with a child. It turned out that the guests were angels sent by Allah SWT. The calf who was slaughtered and served to the angels received the reward of heaven.

Those are some animals that enter heaven according to Islam. The stories of these special animals are contained in the Koran and can be used as lessons for Muslims. Also read the history of the end of Prophet Ibrahim.

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