YOGYAKARTA Understanding the meaning of the spoken language is the skills of children. But what if children are harsh? No, you don't have to be responsive to scolding them. Get to know where they got the harsh word from first.

"Helping our children feel empowered about the words they choose and what it means is a great way to engage them and help them make choices that communicate the meaningful things they want to share," said Jennie David, PhD, a psychologist in the pediatric psychology and neuropsychology division at Children's Hospital. Nationwide.

If your children experiment with inappropriate words, such as swearing, maybe wondering how they can. According to David, reported by VerywellFamily, Sunday, June 30, there are several reasons why younger children and school age may curse. Among them includes trying new languages, imitating peers or adults, imitating what they see on television or social media, or trying to understand words without really understanding what they mean. David's message, here's the right way to respond when children say harsh words or swearing.

Responding strongly, it will probably get the same harsh retaliatory behavior. Although it is difficult to do to remain calm when the children say rude, but try to remain neutral. Overreactions can have a strong resistance effect.

"It's best to remind your child again that difficult words have been used and remind them gently that these words have great strength," said David.

Sometimes children don't understand the meaning of the word even though they talk about it many times. They may also not know the impact of what they say. For this reason, you should take the opportunity to teach them about the meaning behind the harsh words they say.

When explaining, speak patiently. Little children in particular, only try the words they hear and don't know why certain words can hurt.

Sometimes it takes an alternative offer when children use the word swearing, explained Christian licensed mental health counselor Souza, LMHC. It's time for parents to be creative and think of words or phrases that are fun instead of harsh and painful. The key, look for alternative words to reveal what they want to say.

If you want to prohibit children from swearing, make sure there are no harsh words at home. It's also important to set some guidelines for your children. Make sure they know which words are prohibited and what are the reasons. You may also want to have consequences for using the word'mother' if the child is bigger. Souza's message, be equal and have respectful conversations so that children do not test restrictions or even oppose the rules in the family.

When your child cursed, it would be very helpful to investigate what feelings behind these words if they were responded gently. Pay attention to how they feel every day spent. It is also important to help children label what they feel. That means, if they are angry, that's fine. But give an understanding that swearing is not the right way to express feelings of struggle.

Parents are role models for their children. It has a huge influence on parents on their children. So, be a role model for your children to keep saying good words. Consider every word you say in various situations. Try to use the words you hope will be imitated by your children.

In teaching children to choose the right words and they understand their meaning very well, of course, it requires a sustainable process. It even needs to be proactive when you hear your children say inappropriate words. Don't forget, talk to your children about how choice of words can have an impact on those around them. Also encourage empathy and promote words that empower and build. Even if possible, look for creative words or phrases to be used as a substitute for swearing.

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