JAKARTA - Zulkifli Hasan was pushed back to become the general chairman of PAN by acclamation in the upcoming PAN Congress. Zulhas said the cadre's aspirations were the voice of honor as well as a burden for him.

"Of course the DPW-DPD because this is a National Working Meeting is certainly a lot discussed, one of his wishes was yes (Ketum's acclamation), of course if the cadre proposes something, we have honor but also a burden, right, it's a big responsibility, we'll see later in the congress," said Zulhas at the PAN DPP Office, South Jakarta, Saturday, June 29. Previously, Zulkifli Hasan's information would be re-elected by acclamation at the upcoming PAN VI Congress was conveyed by PAN Secretary General Eddy Soeparno at the PAN DPP Office, South Jakarta, Thursday, June 27. Eddy revealed that all cadres agreed that Zulkifli Hasan would return to be the general chairman of PAN.

"Sudah jadi konsumsi publik, sudah diberitakan bahwa agenda kongres kita alhamdulillah itu sudah sepakat menyatu bulat agenda kongresnya untuk menetapkan pak Zulkifli Hasan, Ketum, menjabat periode mendatang untuk lima tahun, dan itu adalah hasil penyaringan aspirasi seluruh kader PAN mulai dari cabang sampai dengan provinsi dan pusat," ujar Eddy saat konferensi pers di kantor DPP PAN, Jakarta, Kamis, 26 Juni.Menurut Eddy, penetapan Zulhas sebagai calon tunggal ketua umum PAN merupakan bentuk dari demokrasi di internal PAN. "Kita mendengarkan, menyerap dan melaksanakan aspirasi dan keinginan akar rumput sampai dengan di pusat untu kemudian diputuskan melalui demokrasi yaitu kongres," kata Eddy.

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