YOGYAKARTA In Islam, prayers are read by people who can still reach the deceased. The special prayers of the deceased will help them widen and cool their graves, and make them calm by His side. How to send prayers for people who have died are also very easy and it is recommended to read regularly.

In Islamic teachings, prayers sent to people who die can actually be done at any time, one of which is during grave pilgrimages. During pilgrimages, it is recommended to read the stages of the grave pilgrimage prayer to pray for the deceased.

However, prayers sent to the deceased and the deceased could actually vary. Here are some ways to send prayers to people who have died.

People who are still alive are advised to give gifts to someone who has died with the reading of Alfatihah. The reading will immediately reach the deceased and the deceased.

Reporting from NU Online, it is highly recommended to read the Koran to the dead. The Nusantara Ulama, Syekh al-'Alamah Kiai Ali Ma'shum al-Jokjawi explained the effect of Alfatihah on the mayyit on the grave by quoting the Sabda of the Prophet Muhammad from Abu Hurohoh, which means as follows.

"Whoever enters the funeral complex then he reads the letter al-Fatihah, then the letter al-ikhlas, then the letter at-takatsur, then he says that I give the award of reading to grave experts from among the believers of men and women, then all of them grave experts will get help from Allah SWT."

Still from the same source, prayers for people who have died can also be read out by Al-Ikhlas. This is as explained in the book Fathul Qadir which quoted the hadith history of Sahabat Ali Karramallahu wajhah, the Prophet Muhammad said what it means as follows.

"Whoever goes through the funeral then he reads the letter of al-khlas eleven times whose reward is granted to all those who have died at the funeral, then he will get the reward of the number of people buried at the funeral."

In the Islamic tradition of the archipelago, Tahlilan is an event that contains reading dhikr and prayers intended for the safety of people who have died. This reading will usually be held when the body is just buried, then held on the 1-7th day, 15th day, 40th day, 100th day, and 1000th day. The following is reading and reading sequence Tahil for people who have died.

It should be noted that the way to send prayers for people who have died each religion varies. Even in Islam there are differences. However, this condition does not become a problem as long as it starts with good intentions and is clean. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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