JAKARTA - Celebrity Denny Sumargo denied the issue that he had converted to Islam. Denny said that it was just talk from netizens that he loved him.

"That's a netizen. I know that netizens really love me, especially for Muslim friends," said Denny Sumargo, quoted by VOI from YouTube Need A Talk, Thursday, June 26.

Furthermore, Denny Sumargo explained the reason he often wears Muslim clothes such as caps. Openly, the man who is often called Densu said that it is only as content.

"Create actual content. So sometimes if my guest or the vibe is more of a Muslim direction, I also use a cap," he said.

"I've been operating with ustaz Khalid, where do I offend or not? And it's more positive. Because I mean I respect it's ok. I'm not trying to take advantage of it," he added.

He even said that he did get money from the religious content he made.

"Because I've always been asked this, it's a negative sentence that 'Bang, people sell religion first. If you don't sell religious content, you don't want'. I agree. Because I said this, I looked for food through religious content, although not all of them," he said.

Even so, Densu has a reason behind it. He felt that religious content was liked by many people. Then, the goal of making religious content is to educate and also increase self-information about Islam.

So that he can find out how to behave properly and correctly in front of his Muslim friends.

"Why do I take religious content? Because religious content is one segment that is also liked by many people, that's one point. The second religious content that I present is to provide additional education to the person himself if he wants to take education," he explained.

"Thirdly, I can also get additional knowledge about how Muslims themselves are and how I know how to behave to Muslim friends. So my tolerance has increased. Until finally I didn't see that Muslims were my enemies," he said.

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