YOGYAKARTA - Photography in nature is now loved by many people in Indonesia. Moreover, it is considered very fun and can be while healing. But did you know that we need photo shoot support equipment in the open like cameras and others.

For nature photography lovers or who want to try the first experience of photographing in the open, follow guidelines and shooting techniques in the open.

In wild photography, success does not only depend on the sophistication of the camera but also requires strong body and mental conditions. Control of good photography procedures is important because you will take photos of moving objects.

Although it could be that you can get good image results using a regular camera or smartphone, it is recommended to prepare more traditional equipment to get more accurate shot results. The following is a list of the best equipment that needs to be prepared for shooting in the open:

I. DSLR Camera

To improve the quality of natural images, the use of DSLR cameras is the main key. With a DSLR camera, you can have complete control of camera settings, including light sensitivity, core speed and others. Higher specifications on the DSLR camera will provide skills for taking photos of objects that move or are silent with maximum lighting.

II. Wide-Angle Zoom Lens

In order to capture the wide natural landscape panorama, it is recommended to use a wide-angle lens with a focus length of about 50mm. Natural photography also attributes the emphasis on the details of the object being photographed so that the use of a zoom lens with a wide angle is the best option to produce quality images.

III. Tripod

Additional equipment that has the function of improving camera stability is tripod. Tripod not only helps protect the camera from being normal when shooting but is also useful for capturing the same shot in a certain time span such as the sunrise process and others.

IV. Waterproof Bag

As the name suggests, the waterproof bag is a bag made from water anti-water ingredients to protect the features used. With the support of the bag, you don't have to worry about damaged equipment because it is exposed to water that wets it.

V. Tissu Lensa

Lens is a sensitive part of the camera. Because it's not cleaned carelessly. If it's dirty, you can wipe it with a special tissue lens so that it lasts forever and doesn't cause scratches.

VI. Softbox

Softbox is equipment that plays a role in converting the incoming light to a softer one. The light in question comes from another tool, namely strobe. Because the light that hits the object has been changed to soft, so that it can minimize the glossy impression that gives rise to photos that are not clear.

Engineering And Tips For Doing Natural Photographs

After you have finished preparing the gear needed before going into nature, the following are methods and tips for natural photography for good photos and anti-fail.

1. Pay Attention to Lighting Well

Lighting is one of the most important aspects when carrying out landscape photography and living objects such as animals in the open. When taking pictures during the day where sunlight is exposed directly, the photos will look dynamic, classy, and colorful.

Well, to avoid lighting that is too bright in the hot day, most natural photographers prefer to take pictures along the golden hour, just before sunset and before sunset. The soft natural light during golden hour, creating a natural, warm, and romantic image quality.

2. Separate the Subject or Object from the Nature Background

Natural photography generally takes pictures of subjects such as plants, animals, or flowers, and other objects such as plants and others. Create focused image results, you need to separate the subject photographed from the background.

You are required to implement several adjustments to place the elements photographed in the frame, starting from setting the distance between the subject and the background so that the two are separated. Don't forget to use a wider aperture such as f/2.0 or f/2.8 which produces a more blur background.

3. Apply Different Angles and Perspectives To Support

Photographography in the open is about photographing all objects that make you happy with unlimited creativity. Find your own shooting style by pursuing other natural photographers' works.

Try to use a different image angle or choose a close-up portrait that is anti-mainstream, so that the photos are more standing out or prominent.

4. Respect Nature and its surroundings

When you explore nature to get extraordinary shooting results, don't forget to always respect nature and its surroundings. Because nature has a very abundant object to take photos of. With a great sense of curiosity and adventure, you must always respect nature by not destroying it to obtain extraordinary images.

In addition, also learn 6 Cinematic Video Collection Techniques.

So after knowing the supporting equipment for shooting in the open, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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