YOGYAKARTA - Salpa Maggiore fish are fish that not many people know about. This fish was first discovered in New Zealand. Let's get to know the salpa maggiore fish further here!

With its extraordinary physical uniqueness and its important role in marine ecosystems, this fish is an interesting research object and an unforgettable miracle in the underwater world.

Salpa Maggiore fish are not ordinary fish. His transparent body is a kind of glass and its elongated form attracts the attention of anyone who sees it.

Similar to other fish in general, salpa maggiore also has complete organs such as the liver and insang. The organ of the salpa maggiore fish in the form of an orange clump in its transparent body.

This salpa maggiore fish, which has many scales, is thin, like a seaMP and always lives in a large group. Adult salpa maggiore fish can have a body size of up to 25 centimeters.

Is Salpa Maggiore Dangerous?

Salpa maggiore is harmless and will only eat small creatures such as miliates. It is important to note that the reproduction and number of species are always in line with the phytoplankton level that surrounds them. When there is a spike in the phytoplankton population, these creatures will grow rapidly. However, when the population

phytoplankton returns to normal, the number of salpa maggiores will also adjust. This ensures the balance of nature is maintained at sea depths.

Not A New Fish Species Finding

Stewart Fraser, a fisherman from New Zealand, catches a strange creature of a fish that is considered unusual by local fishermen. The strangeness of the fish lies in its transparent body. The organs in the fish are also invisible.

His transparent body stroke protects against the dangers of predators. The breakthrough point of view is the camouflage that is quite good in water.

The strange creature was caught by Fraser while he was fishing with his son, Conaugh and Finn, about 43 kilometers north of Karikari Island. He immediately looked at the strange creature he originally thought was shrimp.

After he looked at it, the body of the strange creature was in fact like a fish. After all, the strange creature was seen swimming near the surface of the sea water.

He, who was curious about the appearance of the strange creature, then decided to catch him in order to get closer to him. It is true that Fraser saw that the strange creature was in the form of a fish, but his body was transparent.

"I was indecisive, but I felt like I wanted to know made me catch him to take a closer look at this strange creature. The fish have a kind of scales, but they are transparent like jelly, you won't be able to see anything in the fish unless it's just a small clump of orange," said Fraser, quoted by the Daily Mail, Tuesday (21/1/2014).

According to these findings, the Director of Conservation and Communication of the National Marine Aquarium, Paul Cox, admitted that only a few people recognized this type of fish. But he confirmed that the fish were not a new discovery, the fish was called Salpa Magiore.

For him, this fish is very much found in the southern hemisphere of the Pacific Ocean. The Salpa Magiore fish moves to use contractors who pump water through their roofed bodies such as jelly, the food can be in the form of phytoplanton, "said Paul Cox.

Rare Fish That Are Many In Cold Places

Although it is unique and its form is different from most fish, salpa maggiore fish are actually among rare animals. One of the reasons is that salpa maggiore has absolutely no defense against other animals that hunt it.

Salpa maggiore fish live a lot in cold places. After finishing capturing this cute fish, the Faster family also released it back into the vast ocean so it can continue to live. Wow, it's really cool! Interested in stopping by New Zealand and seeing the salpa maggiore directly?

In addition, you also need to know the news about 'Illuariants Find Extinction Fish in Java'.

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