YOGYAKARTA - Soon to receive New Student Admissions (PPDB) for the 2024-2025 academic year, the zoning route will soon be held from June to July. Listen this year there will be differences in the rules regarding the zoning route at the Elementary School, SMP, SMA and SMK levels. What are the rules for the distance to schools for the 2024 zoning route? Let's discuss it!

Apparently, the policy change refers to the Decree of the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 47/M/2023 regarding Guidelines for the Implementation of Regulations of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 1 of 2021. So what are the rules like?

Please note, the zoning route is one of the registration lines for PPDB SD, SMP, SMA, and Vocational High School (SMK) based on distance from house to school according to domicile. This domicile is determined based on the address recorded on the Family Card (KK) issued at least one year before the opening of PPDB registration.

In the 2024 PPDB zoning route, there are special requirements for calculating the distance from house to school. If previously the determination of the zone was based on distance within the regency/city area, then currently the zoning is determined based on the kelurahan/village area.

Referring to the latest regulations, the determination of zoning areas in PPDB 2024 is carried out at each level of education by the Regional Government (Pemda) in accordance with its authority with the principle of bringing students' domicile closer to schools. In carrying out zoning area determinations, local governments must pay close attention to matters ranging from school distribution, information on the distribution of domicile candidates for students and

capacity of school capacity. However, in general the calculation of distance and select the 2024 PPDB Zoning Line, namely as follows:

PPDB 2024 Zoning Rules For SD

Select the Zoning Path and the Transfer Route for Parents/Mayors of new elementary school students taking into account several criteria with certain priority sequences. These criteria include the age and distance of the closest place to stay to the school within the zoning area which has been inaugurated by the district/city Regional Government.

Regulations For The 2024 PPDB Zoning For SMP, SMA, And SMK Levels

Select the Zoning Line for prospective students in the 7th grade of junior high school and 10th grade high school students to be carried out by giving priority at the distance of the closest place to the school within the zoning area that has been determined.

If several prospective students have the same distance as the school, then choose to fulfill the quota or the last capacity is carried out based on the older student's age, in accordance with the birth certificate or birth certificate.

Not only that, Vocational High Schools (SMK) can give priority to prospective students who live closest to schools, with a maximum limit of 10 percent of the capacity of the school.

Quota For Students On The 2024 PPDB Zoning Line

In the provisions of this zoning route, the amount of capacity will be regulated by the local government. Moreover, the local government may provide a larger quota of capacity after carrying out the calculation of the total capacity and projection of prospective students. Determination of the Completion Power Percentage of each PPDB Line, as follows.

Can You Register 2 Schools At The Same Time 2024?

For prospective new students who want to register at the high school or vocational school level, you cannot register for 2 schools at once. Generally, to register for 2 schools at once, you can explore the zoning route. However, this requirement can be changed or different in each region.

In addition, read also: When The Value Of Education Is Destroyed Lust And Cheating In The PPDB Zoning System.

So after knowing the rules for the distance of the house to schools for the 2024 zoning route, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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