YOGYAKARTA Frozen beef in the freezer is one way to preserve these foodstuffs so that they can be cooked at any time. But after the meat becomes hard and frozen, it will be very long to disburse it so that some people choose to boil it. The question is, can frozen meat be cooked directly by boiling?

Reporting from the Department of Agriculture of the United States (USDA) from its official website, it is said that the erosion of frozen meat can be done. This means that frozen meat can be cooked immediately, but there are several things that are noted.

First, the erosion of frozen meat will take a long time, which is about one and a half times longer to mature. For example, to boil fresh to cooking meat will take one to 1.5 hours. As for

For example, if fresh beef takes one hour to cook to make it cooked, frozen meat takes 1 1/2 hours. Meanwhile, to boil frozen meat to cooking means it takes about three hours.

However, it should be noted that the duration of the formulation will vary depending on the size of the meat, the level of ice, and so on. Here you have to be really careful estimating the duration of the freezeout of frozen meat. Because if you're mistaken, the meat will only mature on the outside and raw and even freeze on the inside.

The second note, boiling frozen meat will make the meat dryer when consumed. This happens because the juice in the meat is trapped inside.

If you decide to boil frozen beef, there are several things to note. Here are tips for boiling frozen meat to stay safe.

If you store large beef, it is recommended to cut the meat in a smaller size. The size can be adjusted to the pan. The size of frozen meat that is too large will be more difficult to cook and longiterate.

Put the frozen meat into the cooking kg and then boiled it. Make sure the boiled water is able to soak the whole meat so that the heat is more evenly distributed.

It is recommended to use a timer so that the erosion can be carried out according to the recommended time. The timer also serves to prevent too short a freezeout of frozen meat.

It is recommended to boil frozen meat by adding broth or flavored water. This is done so that during erosion, the aroma and taste of the meat are more delicious.

Boil beef not only to avoid freezing but so that the meat can be consumed immediately. For meat to be more delicious, add spices to the cooking.

Know how to disburse frozen meat to enrich knowledge in the culinary field so that food ingredients remain in good and hygienic condition.

In addition to whether frozen meat can be cooked directly, visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.

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