YOGYAKARTA For those of you who like to soak in hot water, it is recommended to know the right duration of bathing. Not only to maximize the health benefits for the body, this knowledge helps reduce the negative impact of bathing hot water for too long. How long does a good bath of hot water certainly depend on many things. How does it explain?

Regarding the duration of the right heat bath, each person has a difference because these activities are related to many factors, ranging from temperature to health conditions.

Reporting from the Seawaypool Sentubs website, there are several things that determine how long it will take to soak in good hot water, namely as follows.

The temperature of the environment where you bathe in hot water also determines how long a person should bath in hot water. Hot and dry air temperature will actually make the body hotter when bathing hot water. On the other hand, overcool temperatures are feared to trigger dizziness.

Generally, the temperature of hot water in the bath is no more than 40 degrees Celsius. The lower the temperature, of course, you can immerse yourself in hot water for a longer time. But avoid temperatures that are too hot so that the skin does not moisturize.

If your health condition is in good condition, you don't have to worry about how long bathing in hot water is allowed. On the other hand, if moderate health conditions are not possible such as heart attacks, strokes, and so on, it is not recommended to immerse your body in a hot pool for too long or without assistance. It is feared that something will happen that makes you sink or suffer from other bad things.

When soaking your body while sitting to the extent of your neck, there is a possibility that you will find it difficult to adjust your internal temperature. However, the duration of the bath can be longer if the depth is enough to the chest.

Regarding how long a good heat bath is, it is recommended within 15 to 30 minutes. You can soak in hot water for 45 minutes to 1 hour but don't pay too often and pay attention to various factors, especially health. Duration must be adjusted to comfort and safety so that health benefits can be obtained.

Soaking warm water is indeed highly recommended because there are several benefits, namely as follows.

In addition to how long a good heat bath will take, visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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