YOGYAKARTA What is ultra processed food (UPF) can be understood as food that is packaged and then circulated. However, often these types of foods are equated with junk food, even though they are different. So what is the understanding, the object with junk food? How does it have an impact on health?

Ultra processed food is one of four classifications of NOVA food, namely the classification of foods based on the type of food processing.

Reporting from the British Heart Foundation, the four NOVA classifications are unprocessed or minimally processed foods, processed ingredient, processed foods, and finally Ultra-processed foods.

Food in the ultra-processed foods category is food that has more than one ingredient that is rarely used in home cooking such as preservatives, dyes, or taste.

This means that ultra-processed foods are foods with certain substances that are less commonly used on a daily basis. Often foods that are included in ultra processed foods are associated with packaged food products that are circulated in the market with the resilience of longer foods.

The AI Care website also states that UPF is a food processing that has been changed from its original condition. Meanwhile, the processing of these foods includes handling, pasteurization, canning, and drying.

Not only the addition of certain substances, the food processing is carried out with the aim that food can last longer and the shelf life can take longer.

It should be noted that ultra-processed foods and junk foods are two different things. The term junk food refers to foods that contain high calories, fat, sugar, and salt that have an impact on health.

Meanwhile, ultra-processed foods refer to food processing. Regarding health, this type of food can still trigger disease if consumed excessively.

Food in the ultra-processed foods category is currently widely circulated in the market. These foods are usually packaged in special packages to maintain their taste, shape, and resilience. Examples of ultra-processed foods are as follows.

Reporting from AI Care, ultra-process food is not only added to preservatives, but there are also those that are added with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients needed by humans. On the other hand, this type of food is also added with substances such as sugar, salt, saturated fat.

The impact of eating ultra-process foods for health has a negative and positive effect on each. If consumed properly and correctly, it can help meet the body's nutrition. On the other hand, consuming UPF also increases the risk of health problems such as hypertension, cancer, to type 2 diabetes.

This food also usually contains preservatives to dyes so that it looks more attractive. This content needs to be watched out for.

In addition to what is ultra processed food, visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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