YOGYAKARTA Inclusion is not only about groups but also feels appreciated, respected, and understood as it is. Inclusion is a fundamental aspect of human psychology and social development. Inclusion makes a person develop a deep sense of belonging. This increases motivation and satisfaction of life.

According to Pyiya Nalkur, Ed.D., author of Stumbling Forwards Inclusion: Finding Grace In Imperfect Leadership, inclusion starts at home. That way we can build a sense of belonging, sense of security, trust, and understanding in the family. This will be the basis for building inclusions outside the home, including in workplaces, schools, and other communities.

As parents, it plays an important role in shaping children's understanding of inclusion from an early age. With the following tips, parents can introduce inclusion values in their daily interactions.

One way to instill inclusive value in children by paying attention to the language used around them. Use a language that describes the attitude and perspectives that are imitated. For example, consider whether the language used values identity diversity and experience.

Nalkur's advice was reported by Psychology Today, Friday, June 14, instead of strengthening gender stereotypes by saying'male' and 'female', use inclusive term, like 'Everyone' or 'friends'.

In addition, you can expand your children's understanding of the world by diversifying your social circle and them, talking at dinner, and understanding and respecting different ideas and making friends with many people. Children can also cultivate empathy that way. They also respect differences.

The second tip in building inclusiveness in children is by showing that people are different but have a lot in common. Children meet many cultures, people, and experiences as they interact with the world around them.

The experience that children go through, parents need to realize that it is not all easy. Children may experience challenges when meeting with various languages, cultures, as well as developing empathy and understanding of others. Talk openly about race, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and more. Give them an honest answer, ask them what they want to know, and if you don't know the answer, just say.

People who are marginalized,alienated, or ostracized, can be a topic of sparking discussions with your children. Before discussing this topic, make sure the children know how the environment and feelings are safe. Then, share your own experiences about being abandoned. Validate their feelings and provide support in empowering children to face challenges. That way, children will have a loving language that they can use with their friends as well.

It's natural that parents don't want their children to have trouble. But letting children face challenges and learn from their mistakes foster independence and confidence that is important for inclusiveness.

Exampleing is the most powerful way to develop inclusiveness. Showing inclusive behavior and dealing with conflicts with respect and constructiveness, teaching children to learn empathy, communication, and conflict resolution. It is important to understand parents, inclusivity is a sustainable journey, not a goal. This means supporting children to continue to be empowered in countering injustice and advocate inclusiveness, it is important to do continuously.

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