JAKARTA - The Nightmares and Daydreams series is the latest dish from Netflix Indonesia in collaboration with Joko Anwar and Tia Hasibuan from Come and See Pictures. The series, which consists of 7 episodes, features various stories with a relationship between their characters.

Joko Anwar said that the sci-fi genre that still looks lay-off in Indonesian audiences can be found in this series. Even so, viewers don't need to think much because the background of the story consists of various social issues encountered in Indonesia.

A number of players such as Yoga Pratama, Sal Priadi, Fachri Albar, Ario Bayu, to Asmara Abigail shared a little about their characters in the series Nightmares and Daysdreams.

I play Iyos. Sayy thinks people will be easy to relate to for a day, met on the side of the road, in dense settlements and even under the convenience. For as a person he is invisible. He is a very ordinary person. The problem with his theme is that our genre may know very rarely to touch, "said Yoga Pratama, who starred in the episode of The Orphan.

His role as Bambang, a workshop worker who loves his mother very much. There are several things that happen that make him have to do something and don't imagine he did that," said Sal Priadi, who played episode Old House.

Fachri Albar starred in the episode of Hypnotized and explained, "He has a disability so he is struggling with the economy. It became an obstacle to work and refusal until the second moment I had to be at the point of making decisions in life which is my child."

My character is a writer and my role is very physically challenging because filming is like shooting an action film. I wassured, thrown into another world, a fun challenge and of course made me grow up as an actor," said Marissa Anita, who plays the Poems and Pains episode.

Tommy Dewo and Ray Pakpahan as one of the two directors in this series believe this series can be enjoyed with conflicts connected by the audience.

This series will open a new horizon because every episode has a character close to our lives. We see this character dealing with a messenger than life," said Tommy Dewo.

"This series will reveal the secret of humans who do not know that they are wrapped in people who experience this knowing the big secret about humanity," said Ray Pakpahan.

Nightmares and Days consists of 7 episodes that are interconnected with each other episodes. The series will air on Friday, June 14th on Netflix.

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