YOGYAKARTA - Formula milk is one of the nutritious intakes for babies. Parents can provide formula milk to support the growth and development of their little ones. The content contained in formula milk also plays a role in shaping children who have optimal brains, as well as good motor skills and socio-emotional skills.

If your little one has turned 1 year old, you can provide formula milk intake. However, formula milk products for babies store different ingredients. As parents, you must be able to choose the right dairy products for the baby.

1 year old babies should also not consume arbitrary intake. That's why parents should know tips for choosing formula milk for 1 year old children so they don't make the wrong choice.

Although formula milk has a good content as a nutrition for babies, parents should consider what products to choose. There are various formula milk brands sold in the market, so it often makes parents confused about which one to buy.

Here are tips for choosing formula milk for 1 year old babies so that they can provide the right intake:

Each child has different nutritional needs every year of development. Based on the Nutrition Adequacy Rate (AKG) issued by the Ministry of Health, the need for calcium for children aged 1-3 years is 650 milligrams (mg) per day. Meanwhile, for the age of 4-6 years is 1000 mg per day.

This difference is caused by various factors, including the level of children's activities. Therefore, it is important for mothers to choose growth milk that is suitable for the current age of their little ones.

Each type of milk has been formulated according to the nutritional needs of children at each age. So if the child is only 1 year old, you need to choose a growth milk labeled "for the age of 1 year."

The first three years of child's life are referred to as the golden age period because the development of the child's brain is taking place quickly. To support optimal brain growth, children need adequate nutritional intake. Including obtaining DHA which is strengthened in formula milk.

DHA, which is dokosaheksaenoat acid, plays a role in supporting the performance of neurotransmitters to optimally improve brain function. Neurotransmitters are chemical compounds that send messages between brain nerves or from the brain to various body tissues, such as regulating muscle movement or digestive system.

DHA intake in formula milk can also help improve children's socio-emotional skills. Providing this intake supports Children who have the skills to interact positively with others and their friends.

To ensure that the nutrients consumed can be absorbed properly by the body, the child needs to have a healthy digestive system. Therefore, it is important for you to choose formula milk which contains a combination of FOS fiber in the 1:9 ratio.

FOS (fruktooligosakida) and GOS (galaktooligosarakida) are fiber types that cannot be digested by the stomach. This fiber is directly exploited by a colony of good bacteria in the intestine, known as probiotics. These good bacteria play an important role in maintaining the health of the child's digestive organs.

FOS also plays an important role in supporting the optimal development of children's brains. The presence of FOS helps facilitate communication between the stomach and the brain, allowing the two to interact and exchange information better.

Mother's Milk (ASI) has a sweeter taste and a slightly more dilute and light texture compared to cow's milk. In terms of aroma, breast milk is said to have a similar aroma to cow's milk. But the smell of breast milk is softer, sweeter, and has a unique aroma from each mother.

Differences in taste and texture often make some children reluctant to consume formula milk. Therefore, it is important for you to choose formula milk that has a taste of approaching breast milk.

When choosing formula milk, it is important for you to pay close attention to your little one's condition. It is possible that your little one has the risk of allergies to cow's milk or intolerance to lactose.

If the baby shows allergic symptoms after consuming cow's milk or other dairy products, immediately stop giving it and consult with the family pediatrician. You should also document your little one's condition to help the doctor in conducting the examination and provide the right diagnosis.

Those are some tips for choosing formula milk for 1 year old children that need to be applied by parents. Formula milk can be an intake option for your baby to support optimal growth and development. Also read tips for making baby formulas.

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