The film premiere Gala Dilan 1983: Wo Ai Ni was warmly welcomed by the people of Bandung. The arrival of film players Muhammad Adhiyat, Sulthan Hamonangan, Keanu Azka, Ferdinand, Adzana Ashel JKT 48, Beautiful Stanislavski, Zayyan Sakha, Muzakki, Shania Diva, Cleo Haura, Jonathan Alvaro, and Daan Aria were welcomed by Acting (Pj.) West Java Governor Bey Machmudin at Pakuan Building, Bandung, Sunday, June 9.

Represented by Pidi Baiq, the film group thanked him for the lively welcome. "I was confused about what to say, because everything was well prepared. Thank you Mr. Bey Machmudin," said the novel author Dilan 1983: Wo Ai Ni.

Bandung, according to Bey Machmudin, is beautifully described in the novel and film Dilan. "I am also grateful that Pidi Baiq's father gave the public a little more Bandung images through novels and films. I have watched all the Dilan films, now I am curious about Dilan's small version in this film," he explained.

From Pakuan, the group left for the Festival Dilan 1983: Wo Ai Ni. In addition to the premiere of the film, there were also fun performances from Kunto Aji, Fariz RM x Cross Road, The Panas Dalam Bank, Pidi Baiq Brasch, Malea Emma, PHB, Ijay Irawan, Ggoenawan, Somah & Orang Dalam, and Juicy Luicy x Macisha Kanna.

Children can also take part in various games in front of the fetival stage. Bandung residents are enthusiastic about enjoying this event. "It's really fun, because just paying for cinema tickets can participate in enjoying the festival for free," said Agustina who came with her family.

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