YOGYAKARTA - One type of business that will never die is food and beverages (FnB). The food business will always get buyers for selling consumer products. However, not all food businesses can sell every day and continue to be crowded. So you have to be smart in choosing the idea of selling food.

There are many success stories from business people who sell culinary products or food. They can reap big profits every day, so they can support themselves and have employees. For those of you who have just started doing business, culinary businesses can become additional income.

Culinary business can be the right type of business for young people to earn income. Culinary business can be done full-time or as a side business on the side of full-time work. There are several ideas for selling food that sell every day as a reference for you.

The many ideas of selling food may make you confused about which one to choose. The food business never dies, but keep in mind that not all food products are in demand every day.

Here are some ideas for selling food that sells well every day without large capital:

One of the ideas for selling food that is always sold every day is nasi uduk. This food is often an option for the breakfast menu for the people of Indonesia and can be served with various kinds of side dishes, such as fried foods and eggs.

Meatballs are also a food seller who is always in demand every day. This food, which has been popular in Indonesia for a long time, is liked by various groups and always has many enthusiasts. If you want to sell soup meatballs, make sure it tastes good and spices and the additional seasoning tastes complete, from noodles to sauce.

Chicken Porridge is also one of the choices of food that sells well every day. Chicken Porridge is a popular choice from breakfast to dinner. Porridge with various kinds of toppings can be sold out every day.

Other foods that always sell well every day are satay. This people's favorite food is loved by students to adults. If you want to sell satay, choose goat or chicken satay because they are the most often in demand.

One of the best-selling foods sold at school is rolling eggs. Rolled eggs are often the choice of children's snacks when they come home from school or play. This snack is light, practical, delicious, and cheap, so it's no surprise that children are always buying it every day.

Selling foods that also sell well every day is grilled bread. Foods with various flavors are very popular and are always in demand every day. As a tip, offer as many bread as possible from sweet to savory.

Sweet Martabak is also a choice of food that sells well every day. This sweet food is always in demand because there are many flavor creations that can be made. This makes people continue to be interested in buying sweet martabaks. Sellers can now create various sizes, shapes, and toppings.

Donut is also a food that sells well every day. Such as ice cream, the number of flavors and forms of donuts is increasing so that it attracts people's interest. Make various variants, from traditional chocolate to contemporary flavors such as matcha.

The idea of selling food that sells every next day is ice cream. This dessert is favored by various groups, from children to adults. The variation of taste and shape of ice cream continues to grow, so it always attracts the attention of the public.

Dessert box is also one of the foods that sells sold online every day. This box containing sweet food is usually sold pre-orderly. With a variety of interesting variants, dessert boxes are always in demand. Selling this is selling well every day because many people buy it as a gift for various occasions.

Those are some ideas for selling food that sell well every day that you might be able to make an option. If you intend to start a business as an additional income or a major job, try selling the foods above. Also read the culinary business marketing strategy.

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