South Jakarta Metro Police Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, AKBP Bintoro confirmed that his party had conducted an external audit of the alleged embezzlement of funds that dragged the name of Bunga Citra Lestari's husband alias BCL, Tiko Aryawardhana.

At first, AW, who is Tiko's ex-wife and reporter for this case, said that Tiko had embezzled funds amounting to Rp 6.9 billion.

However, when traced by the police, it was stated that the amount of loss did not reach that figure.

"Currently, the results of the audit that we will use are reported by the police at Rp6.9 M but after we have externally audited it will not be until we will convey it during the next release," said AKBP Bintoro at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday, June 4.

Bintoro also said that Tiko had already carried out an examination related to this case. In fact, the police have also summoned five witnesses.

"Yes, the person concerned has attended, so at the time of the investigation we have clarified, then in this investigation process we will also summon the person concerned," he added.

Even so, Bintoro emphasized that until now Tiko Aryawardhana's status in the alleged embezzlement of funds as a witness.

"Still a witness," explained Bintoro.

For this alleged fraud case, AW reported Tiko under Article 374 of the Criminal Code concerning embezzlement in office with the threat of a five-year prison sentence.

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